Crystal Peace
When there is conflict and violence in the world and in our lives, our first reaction may be one of helplessness. We want to do something—protect our loved ones, our homes, ourselves. We can give money, give blood, give food, give our time to volunteer. These things, when they are possible to do, can be of immense help and may even ease some of the burden of responsibility. However the fear and anxiety will likely remain.
There's something else
There is something else that can be done. Something that will not only help ease personal trauma and take us out of fear but, I believe, it is one of the most powerful ways to counter conflict. Yet is is often the last thing we think of doing. It can be done by anyone anywhere, any time, any place. It is a simple thing, yet it is often the hardest for us. That is to find peace from within.
I invited a crystal in to help us to find this inner peace. Sacred Seven volunteered. Sacred Seven showed up once before when our world was in crisis—during the global pandemic. A very specific one actually. It brought in a vibrant rainbow from the darkness. It was the Colours of Peace.
Now another Sacred Seven Crystal is singing for us. They first made themselves known to me after a dream I had when a family member was experiencing a serious cough (from a virus which came after a deep loss). In my dream I embedded 7 sacred seven crystals into their chest. Of course when I woke up I gathered the 7 crystals and co-created a Star Song for them and applied it to their chest—if you’re wondering the cough shifted almost immediately.
There was another crystal that was singing at the same time. Embedded inside the crystal were several pods that were distinct and separate from the mother, while being one with her. I counted 7. Sound familiar?
Many within the 1
I called this crystal the Kurlan Naiskos because it reminded me of a fictional artefact belonging to the extinct Kurlan civilization from “The Chase” episode in the Star Trek Next Generation series. The Naiskoi was a large wide hollow figurine which when you lifted the top revealed several smaller figurines inside. It represented the belief that within every individual was a community of individuals, each with their own voice, desire and view of the world.
I felt a resonance with this fictional philosophy because I have experienced the dissonance of the inner conflict of my many selves. It looks like I’m not the only one who was influenced by this artifact. Someone on Etsy actually made one:
So then the key to inner peace is finding a way to live in harmony with all the different parts of the self. To accept and see the beauty in each facet, because like the diamond it is the many facets that creates the brilliance. When we can find that harmony within ourselves, we will be able to see the beauty and blessings in the diversity of all the communities in our world. And so it can be seen how inner peace can lead to peace in our world.
Crystals for inner harmony
One of the simplest and quickest ways to enter into a state of inner calm and peace is by connecting with our breath. Aquamarine is a beautiful crystal guide for breath work. These gemmy blue crystals shared a breath technique in the Crystal Breath light log post.
Anthill Garnet is a magical stone that is mined by the ants themselves. They show us the incredible strength and power that comes from community.
Selenite shows us how to attract light by "being light". With each strand of light (of ourselves) that we unify, our power and strength grows.
Picture Jasper is a deeply nurturing stone and offers support to those of us who are experiencing inner conflict.