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love letters from my crystal people...


Two really, completely magical stones arrived today! I can’t leave them alone, but take them everywhere I go. If they are out of sight for a second, my heart jumps out of my chest and I madly race around until I find them again. Then I smile. Home.
You were right . . . these two sparkly beings give Light to the day! Each is incredible in its own right. They take my breath away.
Both are so beautiful, I can barely breath at times.
Smadar, you have shaken my savior fare! Your choices seem spot on, as it seems to me, you have sent parts of myself back to me, things I had lost long ago.
Thank you thank you thank you
—annie, Massachusetts, USA


Dear Smadar, I finally found (after a year of reading your offerings on the web-site!) the Song of Novaculite-Oh my heavens . . . I felt I was home when reading this Song. As you wrote to me once, of a discovery I made about how the brain works, YES YES YES!
In knowing things, the knowing obscures truly seeing. I know this . . . I KNOW THIS, and yet hide behind the very knowing. Being a Leo, I’m all about knowing, and then sharing the knowing by telling everyone I know. Oh it is just a ragged, tight little circle! No wonder we die so young, as it is exhausting to hold all that knowing.
What came through you and Novaculite, is just precious beyond words, beyond knowing!
But we can’t truly know something, until we let go of the KNOWING of it.
Which is akin to: If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.
Honestly Smadar, I am on my knees in gratitude to you for letting this come through you so beautifully. Thank you thank you thank you.
—annie, Massachusetts, USA


I realize you are in sync with all that you do. That is what makes my connection with you so special because you inspire me to continue on with the same intent in my connections. 💙  I sleep with my crystal friend on my left shoulder every night.  Her love and light touches me deeply and helps me enjoy a peaceful night's rest every time. You are a gem!  Please continue doing your work because it is greatly needed & appreciated as we continue to integrate higher cosmic energies and move through changes/shifts on mother earth. Love and blessings to you from most high, 💟
—Annonymous from Hawaii


The Orca Agate causes vibration from my feet up to my Root Chakra when I hold her in my hand. She has such a beautiful and wise calm abundant energy about her. I feel like she is the Empress, but of the ocean. I've placed her with some of my other crystals, and my cat noticed her immediately as new, and climbed onto the little table to say hello!

She is so beautiful - I didn't know how translucent she was in the light, but in dimmer light, with more opacity, she will shift colour in my hand as I hold her. The only other crystal I have that does this is Nuumite. They're a bit like gazing crystals to me. She fits so perfectly in my hand too! It's hard to put her down, haha.
—Jen, B.C. Canada


I received so much blessings and healings this morning from your website and all the care you put into your messages and videos and love to the stones.
— Maria, Hawaii


I wanted to let you know that the stone beings arrived safely, and are all amazing! The beautiful holey stone that was a surprise is so incredible! I instantly felt a strong connection as soon as I picked it up and held it. It is symbolic in so many ways, I can’t even begin to express all the synchronicities with this stone and animal spirit being.  One interesting note, I wasn’t familiar at all with holey stones prior to this, and when I first looked at this one, I saw a snake’s head. After the fact, I found out about the stones through an internet search. Plus, I purchased your e-book about them; thank you for sharing your experience. This was the perfect stone being that was chosen. Amazing.


Thank you so much for the gorgeous stones! The very strange thing is that my daughter (who was in 12th grade) just graduated high school. Her grandmother just passed last August. Her spirit animal was the sea turtle. My daughter is going to college on the coast of South Carolina where she will be able to study them. Her only request for a graduation gift was a Pearl necklace pendant. But she said “Mom- I really want a unique natural Pearl, not a perfectly round one.” So now I have the perfect one for her!

I will make the smaller rattle stone into a pendant also. Did you notice that the shape of it looks like a human heart? It will be perfect to bring protection to my patients and their little ones!!

And the turtle rattle stone is gorgeous!!

Thank you SO much!!
––Tina, Illinois, USA

(NOTE: The pearl was sent as a gift because it was singing for her. I didn't know this story when I sent it.) 


I wanted to say thank you for allowing me to be a part of your beautiful crystal meditation today. I enjoyed it, and the company of the gorgeous and sparkly energy of each of you. A true pleasure! I still feel so cozy and uplifted. I look forward to a future sharing of energy!
––Christina, Arizona, USA


Have been meaning to email ever since I received the wondrous Moki Marbles! They are a perfect pair - I can feel the attraction when I bring them close and with one in each hand, WOW! Have never had quite this intense of a reaction to others I have handled through the years! These are small but incredibly mighty! I want to thank you for letting me know about them and making them available! They are so incredible … and the sage and feather were perfect traveling companions … and really appreciate the Sacred Geometry Activations card. What a warm and loving package! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! These are treasures beyond measure!
––Jan, USA


Your crystals and stones bring me a deep joy. Reading your words, I’ve found a sister. Thank you for sharing your story and your connection with these incredible beings that I love so much, as you. You call your place “Sanctuary”. Is the same word I’ve ever used To talk about my crystal space.
––Caterina Mouji from Italy


I just wanted to say thank you! I don't think I've ever been around such amazing high vibrational stones before. I got the box, and I literally have goose bumps and my bodies tingling.  I am so excited to begin working with my new stones.  The stones you work with are very special (more than any I've ever encountered), and so is the work you're doing. Thank you again.

You probably don't know this, but ever since I discovered your website I often visit to spend time with the stones. It is very much like a portal to a place inside myself that I sometimes forget.  I just wanted to let you know that I had the opportunity to read your blog, and it really made me smile.  I don't know how many people who visit your site actually tell you that they recognize the gift you are co-creating on a daily basis, so I thought I'd send you a note to say so.  I hope that it makes you smile.  Best wishes from your friend in the States.
––J from Maryland


My experience with Song of Stones has been exceptional! As a stone/crystal lover, I have shopped at many places online and in store. Nothing compares to the level of love, care and connection that Smadar has to her collection. She genuinely loves her work and is deeply connected to the stones and crystals. Gracious and educational, Smadar goes above and beyond by sharing her experiences, using her intuition to assist your choices and ensuring stones are reunited with their human partners. When my package arrived it felt like a present: beautiful and carefully wrapped with lavender and dried flowers. It was like Christmas morning! After my first purchase I am now a loyal, repeat customer and look forward to my customized Song when the time is right. Thank you, Smadar!  
––Kelly from New York


I don't know how to even begin to say how much I love every one of the crystals you sent us. They are all so beautiful and feel so right. Most of all I am so pleased with the Soul Journey Stone. It gave me a clear and immediate feeling of finally having found it. It felt like an old friend right away and I love that it is a clear quartz stone, as they are my favorite family of stones.  It is also super comfortable to hold. It is a real beauty as well. The grooves and markings on the bottom of the crystal make looking into the point a real treat. It becomes a beautiful "light show" and I find it to be truly magical. I am wondering if it has a name, like Sargris, as they feel a lot alike.  I LOVE them all, but this Soul Journey Stone is the most beautiful stone I know of. I love it and it feels so great to be around.. I can see myself have it with me for the rest of my life and I really hope I will.  Thank you for listening for the crystals that wanted to come to us and the messages they had, and for your care in wrapping and sending them. It is all noticed and appreciated, every time.

Thank you so much for your care with my order. You have a gift for blowing my mind, again and again. I have come to expect the unexpected with your orders, though always magical and harmonic. May love and laughter light your days! ✨
––L from Norway


"... the Song is perfect!! It is exactly the message I need right now.  Both my life and my soul are going through such a major transformation and both on literal and spiritual levels ...   Thank you so very much for taking the time to listen and for the work you do in this world.  I think the way you connect stones with the people with whom they belong and also how you help the stone beings reveal their true selves is important and amazing work.  You remind us that EVERY being has a soul and has a purpose in this world."


I want to share with you that today I received these wonderful stone beings. I had just looked at them and read their song. I don't have words to describe the magic Im feeling right now. This nest its so so beautiful beyond words... It was an incredible and powerful connection as if we have found each other after a very long time... To my dear dragons... I was not fully aware of the love I have to the dragons... Until now.... The energy is flowing in a magical way in my entire body and beyond it and I feel a blessed energy that simply made me cry...
Hector from Mexico


I feel a special bond with the crystals that came from you, even though all crystals are wonderful, there is something about the ones from you. It is like they hold a little of a feeling. The feeling of being in a Song of Stones bubble, like when we sat opening our first package from you. It was truly magical, and the stones remind me of that feeling all the time. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. What you have done for me is beyond words, and it gives me great joy to know that such a person and site exists for anyone to find in there time. I came over your site one time long before ordering, but I guess I was not ready for it yet, because I just left. But the second time around, it was like coming home.


My crystals arrived ... I have been carrying one or the other around with me ever since, thank you so much for all of them. Thank you for the gift quartz, it's very special and loving! The Crystal Forest piece is so absolutely amazing, it feels like a good old friend, I love the way it feels and looks like wood and I love its gentle energy. The pink and blue duet Chalcedony, well that stone has become one of my very favourites, I think it is so beautiful being both pink and blue at the same time, and it glows so magically. It is like I had been waiting for that stone all my life and from the moment I first held it, it was just this deep Love. As well I really love the snakeskin Agate you chose for me, I've placed it under my pillow and had a dream with a funny snake in it that night. It feels so warm and positive, so happy to have it in my life. And as always, it's just a joy to receive a crystal parcel from Song of Stones, its magical and I already look forward to order again in the future!

Today my lovely crystal Suha arrived and I wish to thank you for the beautiful packaging and the message from the crystal. The fairy dust is so pretty and magical, I felt compelled to make a little piece of natural cotton as a wrap for the crystal, like a "bed" and in it I've sprinkled the fairy dust, except for some of it which I sprinkled in our garden. The crystal arriving here is like an old friend coming home, I really look forward to connect to it, dream with it (I like to have crystals next to my pillow when I sleep) and meditate with it. I really resonate with the message that came through to you for me, thank you!
––Annina from Sweden


For me, connecting with someone like yourself is very comforting and joyful. Simply knowing you are in the world allows me to feel part of the whole experientially. You are a beautiful spirit and the joy emanates through your site, your messages and in the energy I experience every day. Love back to you.
––Chris from NC


I have purchased a moonstone and shungite pendant from you in the past. I love them very much and feel so connected to them, like they are my friends. I have a lot of necklaces but these ones are always the most appealing for me to reach for. Lately, I’ve been getting the urge to write to you and ask for another pendant friend to help me along this stage in my life. 

(Update: Sarah ordered a new necklace from Song of Stones and she told me that she wears it all the time and is sad at bedtime when she has to take it off.)
––Sarah from California


Oh Thank you so much for my stone!!! It Was the one I was hoping for! It is beautiful! I do believe this stone was glowing for you for me, because it really was my 1st pick! Because I love your service you provided to me I want to order 4 more. I Do want to Thank you again for all you have done for me! I have your website bookmarked so next time I’m looking for another stone, I will look at yours first! A Very Happy Customer.
Gina M from Illinois