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Metaphysical properties of Crystal Formations

This is a list of the better known metaphysical properties of crystal formations. I encourage you to take this as a general guide and to be open to what each crystal is beyond what is written up about them.


Abundance crystals are crystal points with smaller crystals growing around its base. These crystals foster prosperity and well-being, success, good fortune and all good things for life.

The activation Quartz crystal can be recognized by an inclined window located either on the left or right side of the primary face of the crystal. Its primary function is to activate and increase the performance of the left brain functions if it is located on the left side and to activate the right brain function if it is located on the right side. When used together, it brings a melding of the left and right abilities of the brain.

Barnacle Quartz Crystals are covered or partially covered with smaller crystals. The larger crystal is the "old soul" and contains the wisdom and trust which attracts the smaller crystals. This crystal can be used in meditation to provide insights to family and/or community problems. This type of crystal is excellent for those employed by service organizations. It's energy helps to stimulate a group cohesiveness and a willingness to work together. This crystal is a wonderful companion when one is experiencing the loss of a loved one.

The Bridge Quartz Crystal is recognized by a small crystal which penetrates and is located partially in, and partially out, of a larger crystal. It facilitates bridging between the self and others, between the inner and outer worlds, and between the self and other worlds. The crystal aids in expressing that which one experiences when one is becoming more self aware. It is beneficial when working with spiritual and metaphysical realms and attempting to share this knowledge with others. It is helpful to public speakers who lecture on topics concerning new ideas and avant garde concepts. It is also useful for all types of teaching, promoting communication ties and understanding between teacher and student.

This mineral can help to purify ones body and ones surroundings. It stimulates analytical capabilities and precision. It provides for perceptiveness to situations and awakens ones inherent talents and abilities. Although its energy is directed towards to physical world, it provides a connection to the spiritual realm. It is grounding and centering during meditation and helps eliminate distractions.

The natural Carved Quartz Crystal is recognized by the existence of a carved triangular face which outlines the face and is etched such that the location of the engraved portion is normally white in appearance. This crystal can help one to obtain extra-terrestrial information which is beneficial to ones growth and to the growth and increased awareness of our planet. It is a tool for the transfer of information between the self and others who reside on other planes of existence. In addition, this crystal has been used to stimulate the recognition of details related to earth changes, astrological significance, and weather patterns. It has further been used for dowsing, the carved portion being the "yes" significator.

This type of stone has a chatoyancy which resembles a cat's eye. This chatoyancy is caused by inclusions of straight fibres of asbestos. A Cat's Eye crystal represents happiness and serenity. It can amplify luck. It can stimulate intuition and enhance awareness. It is effective in dispelling unwanted energy from our etheric fields. It provides us with a protective energy.

Cathedral Lightbraries are Quartz crystals that appear as one large crystal with many smaller crystals contacting and interpenetrating one another and unified in one singly terminated crystal. The crystals that form upon the body of the “mother” are similar to data banks in the sense that they can gather universal knowledge. These data banks are open and clear until conscious thoughts and intentions are projected in them. The energies in the Cathedral Lightbraries project outwards as they stand open to receive the impressions of the universal mind as well as collective thought forms. These crystals are capable of being programmed and relaying information. Lightbrary crystals can contain the sacred knowledge of the Akashic Records.

The Channeling crystal has a large seven sided face which is symbolic of the student, the mystic, and the seeker of deeper truth. It represents the intuition of the higher mind and the one who goes within to find wisdom Seven is the number of mystical truths that are realized when detachment is attained. The large seven sided configuration is the doorway through which inner truth can be revealed. The number three represents the power of speech and the ability to creatively and joyously express. The powerful combination of the seven takes the mind within to find the wisdom and the three enables that to be manifested and shared through the spoken word. The Channeling Crystals are here to teach us how to tap into the wisdom within ourselves. They represent the ability to go within our own source, access truth and then bring that forth through verbal expression. Channeling crystals can be used for: meditation, allowing one to gain both inner clarity and wisdom; to facilitate specific answers to specific questions; to gain information in a specific area; and with record keepers to access stored information. Because of the potential for misuse, it is advisable that channeling be done with knowledge and pure intentions.

Cluster Quartz crystals are formations of single terminated crystals that share a common base. There may be hundreds of crystals in the cluster or just two. They serve to bring the "group" energy of the associated crystal to the surroundings, enhancing harmony and peace in groups, in the family, and in other social and/or business environments. The energy generated is directly proportional to the number of crystals in the cluster. They can also be used to activate and to cleanse other minerals, enhancing and increasing their energy. They can be placed in areas to purify the environment of negative energies and feelings.

This crystal is a tool of the light worker, assisting in the removal of unwanted implants. It represents the idea of multiplicity while stabilizing the centre of the self, allowing for an uninterrupted connection with the ethereal perfection.

The Curved Quartz Crystal is produced during the developmental stages of growth and is rather a rare occurrence. When this crystal is placed in our energy field it provides for a continuous alignment of the physical meridians and the nervous system and the alignment of the physical, emotional, mental, etheric, astral, etc. bodies, singularly and with one another. The curved Quartz crystal emanates a gentle, yet powerful energy and can be used to cleanse the aura, to promote flexibility in ones attitudes, and to provide strength to ones decisions. It allows one to to understand the superficial and the deeper meanings inherent in the inner workings of any situation. It also allows one to access the interior of the physical body in order to understand existing disorders, providing information with respect to the "fix".

Devic Temple crystals can be the temporary vehicles through which spiritual guides can find expression and offer wisdom, insight and blessings into our lives. The inner inclusions display impressions of other worlds, temples, or most importantly, faces or outlines of beings inside the crystal. These crystals enable higher beings on the inner planes to connect with the material world and for human beings to contact the angels. They symbolize inner sanctums of the self where one can find the peace and inner reflection and where communication with the self can occur. The purpose of working with these crystals is to receive higher guidance and direction that will assist you to go within and become more aware of your true identity and more connected to your own source.

This crystal has a smaller crystal attached to its side and seems to be riding along. It symbolizes the protective and loving energy radiated towards those who are vulnerable. This crystal formation is also known as a mother crystal or teaching crystal.

When the six faces of Quartz join together to form a point, a terminated crystal is born. When there are terminations on both ends, the Double Terminated Crystal is created. Instead of growing out of a hard rock surface as single terminations are formed, they grow in the centre of soft clay. They have the capacity to draw or to transmit energy through both ends. They teach us balance. They symbolize patience and perseverance. They are excellent to place under your pillow at night to increase and intensify the dream state. They are good stones to use in meditation. They can help refine telepathic powers and can be used to link together individual minds and thoughts. Carrying a double terminated crystal can enable one to maintain ones energy shield.

THE DOW CRYSTAL - KATRINA RAPHAELL (see also Trans-channeling Crystal)
This special crystal manifests perfect geometry in the termination, alternating between triangles and seven-sided faces. It is a combination of the Channeling crystal and the Transmitter crystal, but the combined effect has yet another purpose. Not all Dow crystals have even sided symmetrical faces. The Dow can be used to express the deepest inner truth, as well as being capable of receiving, containing, and projecting programmed information. The Dow crystal is like a mirror that reflects perfection. The Dow helps us to see the possibility that we can also physically manifest that state of integrity, unity, balance and order.  It also sends the message that in order to manifest divinity (triangles), we must first access our own inner truth (septagons).  The Dow crystal, in its state of perfection, helps us to connect with the source. The Dow crystal can be a tremendous aid in healing the heart chakra.  So much of the pain stored at the heart and solar plexus can be transmuted if we have but one experience of Divine love, out of which a deep inner knowing is seeded in the heart, allowing acceptance and understanding of the Divine plan.  Experiencing this Divine essence is the start to unconditional love. Because of its inherent circular energy, this crystal can match the spiraling rotational energy of each chakra vortex and being closely related to the earth and her elements, it greatly assists in the integration and assimilation of this energy onto the earth.  (There is a lot of information on the DOW so I have a separate page just for that.)

Drusy crystals bring a higher level of energy. They stimulate the exactness of the energy of the mineral, which stimulates the exactness of the of the energy of the specific mineral. To determine the vibratory number, add 24 to the sum of the number representing each letter of the name of the other mineral.

The Elestials bear geometric patterns which in and of themselves state profound laws of the universe. It is as if the symbols of a cosmic alphabet have been written and formed in these crystals. Their source is beyond time itself and their origin is the celestial realm. As heavenly forces were materialized into physical time and space, the Elestial Crystals embraced the four elements and were given birth. These crystals stabilize brain wave frequencies and neutralize erratic confused thought forms, resulting in an expanded state of awareness. Their source is beyond time itself and their original is the celestial realm. As heavenly forces were materialized into physical time and space, the Elestial Crystals embraced the four elements and were given birth. The nature of the Els is to take one deep within the self, to connect with that which is the innermost truth. Their power lies in their ability to communicate to the mind that which is sure, secure and true. These crystals will take you to the core of the matter and will assist you in accessing the deepest source of your own angelic nature. The Elestials usually emerge into one's life at a time when the internal rooting into one's basic essence is about to occur. The Elestial serves to provide an entrance to information concerning the past, present, and future of ones personal existence. It can help us to understand that which must be accomplished in this life in order to eliminate the need to repeat harsh lessons. They can help us to find comfort during transition. The Elestial can stimulate clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Elestials can help overcome deeply ingrained emotional patterns that can be played out over and over again with different people and different circumstances. They can bring to the surface that which needs to be dealt with and cleansed, and make one aware of that which is preventing one from experiencing truth. It is possible to view these thoughts and feelings from a detached perspective. They can be great teachers in assisting us to understand the true nature of our feelings and the importance of learning to express our feelings in the moment that we feel them. Elestials are beautiful crystalized examples of all the different directions that we can take in our lives and each choice is right and beautiful and finally, we end up exactly where we're supposed to be.

The Enhydro is a mineral containing fluid which can be eons in age and is most likely quite pure. It contains a life-sustaining energy, helping us to adapt to situations which could become stressful. The Enhydro assists in metamorphosis and continued change throughout all times, providing for determination in easing and bringing about these changes more quickly. This mineral can help us to be empathetic, and to recognize and understand the true feelings of another. It provides for the coupling of imagination and practicality, inducing sensibility in employment, relationships, and in the acceptance of responsibilities with honour.

The ET crystal has a single termination at one end and multiple terminations on the other. This type of crystal is said to facilitate communication with extra terrestrial beings, celestial beings and guardian angels. This crystal reminds us that we are all individuals within the one. It helps us to build and maintain self confidence and courage.

The Etched Quartz has abrasions on the outer areas of the crystal. These abrasions appear to be a type of hieroglyphics. This crystal is used to facilitate contact with and transfer of information relevant to ones life at the present time from the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Lemuria and Atlantis. They were once used in the healing temples of these ancient civilizations and their markings contain information of their experiences and healing methods. It is a personal meditation crystal and if one is meant to experience an Etched Quartz crystal, the universe will provide one. The crystal that comes into ones possession will contain information which will be beneficial to ones personal development and/or which will assist one in helping another.

The Generator Quartz crystal has all six crystal faces joining together sharply to form the terminating apex. This crystal is “THE” quartz crystal for energy generation. Their perfected geometric form allows for the focus and proper distribution of this energy into the lives of the people working with them and receiving their healing energy. They will also intensify and direct energy. They can teach us how to concentrate, focus and magnify our own healing energy. These crystals demonstrate how to channel the radiant light force into our beings and onto our world. They can be as small as 1/4" and as large as three feet. No matter their size, they are power pieces and should always be used with respect and knowledge.

A crystal with an eight sided face is called a Grounding crystal. They are quite rare and not easily available. Grounding crystals help you deal with practical matters in a logical and clear-headed way, attuning you to Earth energies and preventing your thoughts from becoming “scattered”. An ungrounded person does not like to deal with the practical or realistic aspects of life, and can benefit from using a grounding crystal. When used in meditation, they allow you to form a strong connection with higher knowledge, but keep you grounded so you can apply that information in a practical sense. When using a grounding crystal to work through a person problem, remember that it will require you to look at the truth of the situation and compel you to deal with that truth.

Stones with naturally occurring holes (produced by erosion, wind or wave action, sea creatures or other means) have long been prized as protective objects. The stones were thought to be magical protectors and were worn around the neck, placed in the house or hung from the front door. They were often hung on bedposts to prevent nightmares. These stones were known as Odin Stones, probably because of the Myth in which Odin transmuted himself into a worm and slipped through a hole in a rock to steal “the mead of poetry”. It was said that peering through a holey stone, would promote visions and some thought it would improve eyesight.

The Isis crystal, sometimes referred to as “The Goddess Crystal” is a crystal with a unique five-sided face. The base line connects to two lines which rise at slightly extending angles and meet with two longer angles which rise to meet at a perfect point. The more symmetry between the opposing sides, the more balanced the crystal’s energies will be. From the legend of Isis we learn that we must heal ourselves before we can help another. Isis personifies the power of self healing, inner strength, determination and perseverance to meet the final goal, the magical power to renew life and the ultimate outcome of truth and justice. The Isis crystal contains the secrets to the healing that must occur if life is to be renewed and divine justice realized. Isis generally represents the determination of will to overcome the presence of evil and the fearlessness to stand for the truth and right the wrong. It is believed that the Isis crystal will put you in touch with and strongly amplify your feminine energy, and can help you get in touch with your “female” or unselfish side, whether you are a man or a woman. For men, the Isis crystal will help to become more in tune with your feminine side and to become more aware of the aspects in women that you find troubling. For women, the Isis crystal can help you regain some of that power and energy that society has taken away from you. The Isis crystal has a special way of balancing opposing forces which are prevalent everywhere, be it day and night, male or female, heart and mind, sadness and joy, etc., in balance and harmony. The two lower lines represent the contradictory forces that life offers for experiential growth upon the earth. They are held firm by the base line which symbolizes the physical plane dimension. The two upper lines meeting at a common point provides us with the secret for unification. It is only when we unite the opposing aspects within ourselves into a complimentary whole that the world will reflect back to us that unified reality. The crystal's five sided face has united the polarity forces into a whole, rescuing the opposites from a world of duality. The Isis crystal transmits the knowledge of how to combine the seemingly opposite forces of life and in doing so, a state of wholeness is created. NUMEROLOGICAL SYMBOLOGY: The number five represents the physical plane of reality. We have five fingers, 5 toes, 5 physical senses, 5 extremities (2 arms, 2 legs, head) and 5 is the number of the human soul as it enters the realm of polarity to experience each aspect of creation within the limitations of the 5 senses. The number 5 offers the challenge of embracing life in its wholeness instead of being limited by the perceptions of the 5 senses and signifies the mediation between opposite forces. Five represents freedom through change. It is the pivotal point in the cycle between 1 and 10 representing the conscious decision to live life by the spiritual laws instead of being limited by the physical plane mandates.

Some crystals will have a three-sided or six-sided indented shape located on the crystal. This indent becomes narrower as it goes within the crystal and ends within the crystal, usually in an apex termination. This is a Key Quartz crystal and is used to unlock the “doors” to healing concepts and to those aspects of the self which tend to be illusive. It further helps one to answer questions like "why can’t I ..." It can assist in accessing that which is hidden in any situation. One can place the crystal on letters, photographs, etc., in order to gain admittance to concealed or obscure messages which are inherent. It can assist in analytical problem-solving. Placing the crystal on a textbook which contains the information necessary to arrive at a solution, has stimulated the inner knowledge of the answer.

Laser wands are long slender crystals that taper to a termination of small faces. It is said that all ‘wand’ crystals were developed on Earth by other planetary beings by thought projection. These crystals have an intimate relationship with both inner and outer space. Laser Wands can be used during meditation to establish a finer communication with the other worlds, the crystalline world, and the inner world of the self. These crystals radiate a lovely energy and have been recognized as a constant source of the brilliant white light. When holding a wand, the energy tends to surround the body, providing for a protective barrier. The energy of the laser wand crystal is extremely well focused through the small termination. It can be used to clear an area of negativity, to create protective barriers, and to beam healing energy to the self or another. Laser Wands were once used in the healing temples of Lemuria. The crystals that have unique etchings and/or markings indicate the records of the experiences they have seen. They contain information with respect to the healings which have been proven successful over the eons of time and throughout the universe.

The Reversed Laser Wand has a true taper from the termination to the base and carries additional qualities. These crystals have been used to bring forth an arrangement of the divine order of personal life, the sacred order upon, and within, the Earth and the celestial order of the universe. It can be used for opening the chakras, for both the self and of another simultaneously. This quality tends to promote a connection that is truly conducive to the successful actualization of healing. The Reversed Laser facilitates the concepts of organization and systematic resolutions and helps us to implement these resolutions. It can help us to reach out to others in the spirit of “brotherhood” and love. It is expressive of warmth and intelligence, promoting both altruistic tendencies and devotion to right-mindedness. It provides stamina against weariness from adulation.

Cathedral Lightbraries are Quartz crystals that appear as one large crystal with many smaller crystals contacting and interpenetrating one another and unified in one singly terminated crystal. The crystals that form upon the body of the “mother” are similar to data banks in the sense that they can gather universal knowledge. These data banks are open and clear until conscious thoughts and intentions are projected in them. The energies in the Cathedral Lightbraries project outwards as they stand open to receive the impressions of the universal mind as well as collective thought forms. These crystals are capable of being programmed and relaying information. Lightbrary crystals can contain the sacred knowledge of the Akashic Records.

Lightning crystals are extremely rare - similar in rarity to a Manifestation crystal. Lightning Quartz is a "Grand Formation", which can be used in surviving Earth changes and has been used to assist in recovering from shock and trauma. It can both focus and transfer the light energy in required directions. It is said to bring the energy of love like a bolt of lightning. Lightning Quartz can support swiftness in breaking the shackles of fear and dominion. Acting on the concept of inertia, it brings the energy of dispersion to the "still". It is an excellent stone to assist us in modifying our path, providing an energy to cut through barriers and to clear the way for our progression. Lightning Quartz is a stone of transformation and as such can be used to help those who are experiencing difficulty in the transition from the physical world to the spiritual world.Lightning Quartz has been used in projecting thoughts of the self to another location - in a way that the form can be seen or felt by others at that location. They are said to hold information from Lemuria and the knowledge of healing techniques from other planetary worlds. This crystal has exhibited speed during the facilitation of healing and in the advancement of contact with the extra-terrestrials.

The Manifestation crystal is a Crystal with a smaller crystal totally enclosed within it. These crystals are quite rare. To use the manifestation crystal we must know that we are clear and perfect channels, that a pure white light provides the guiding way, and that the purity of the Divine is within the inner self. If we wish to use the crystal to manifest something, we must be clear about what we want. We must clear any feelings of ambivalence and any inner turmoil prior to using this crystal. These crystals can also be used to facilitate artistic creativity, creative thinking, agricultural pursuits, and to increase or decrease any aspect of ones life. (Manifestation Crystal shared a song with me.)

This is a rock that has been altered from it’s original form by changes in temperature, pressure, or the presence of fluids. The minerals of the original rock recrystalize to form new minerals that are now stable under these new conditions. This is a beautiful physical, crystalized, example of the spiritual transformations that we experience in our lives after physical and emotional changes (changes to our physical body, changes outside our body like a move or career change, and loss). These “life altering/metamorphic” experiences cause us to “transform” - to become who we need to be to deal with our new circumstances - and to fulfill our purpose.

The Phantoms within a crystal provide an indication of the experiences, and the transformations, which the crystal has encountered during its evolution. The Phantom crystal has experienced numerous lifetimes of learning and "being", while continuing in the same physical configuration. The crystal represents the many phases and the many types of life which may be experienced during ones lifetime. The Phantom crystal can assist in connecting with the higher realms of knowledge within the records of ones progression through past lives. In addition, it will provide further energy in healing the emotional and physical situations which may be of consequence to the knowledge gained from this regression. The Phantom can be used to assist in meeting one's personal spiritual guide and for asking questions and talking about personal issues with this guide.

PIXIE CRYSTAL (or pixilated crystal)
Also called Enchanted crystals, these double terminated crystals have a rainbow and are filled with fairy frost. These crystals helps us to open up to the numinous beings who share the earth plane with us and are invisible to most.

Naturally radiated crystals have been exposed to electromagnetic radiation in their natural growth process and have not only survived, but have become more valuable because of it. These crystal will strengthen the auric field and stabilize the physical system in order to provide protection against the present damaging effects of nuclear radiation.

Some crystals contain internal fractures which have certain prismatic effects which produce powerful rainbows with the crystal, giving additional energy which is lacking in a clear specimen. These crystals bring rainbows into ones life and are very special gifts. They are a reminder of hope and new life, a sign that the sun is always behind the clouds of our doubt and confusion. They help one to deal with negativity and to maintain the constant awareness that love is in your life at all times. They produce the full spectrum of colour from the white light of healing and perfection.

This is a naturally formed quartz crystal with a thinner rod extending from the base. These crystals were said to have been used in Atlantis and Lemuria in healing ceremonies. They were a symbol of the power of the realm and were carried or worn by the “high priest/priestess”. The Scepter crystal brings the spirituality of the higher planes in the healing ceremonies and focuses the energy deep within the “heart” of the matter. If the Scepter is in reversed form, it is referred to as “Reversed Quartz Scepter”, which activates the same properties and further serve to return the healing energy to the user. It can also be used to produce a state of mind which is free from impressions. It allows one to see the duality of ones nature, rectifying the negative and building the positive.

The Self-Healed crystal is one that was separated from a secure base or was damaged during growth, but continued to reach the inherent natural state of perfection by forming smaller terminated faces. These faces together appear like a lace type design of finished edges. Another type of Self-Healed crystal is one which has been broken on the horizontal plane, with the break being healed and the crystal structure being again complete. This particular type of Self-healed crystal is a master in the art of self-healing. Having learned to heal itself, this type of crystal can lend this knowledge to the user and can share the experience of self-healing. This crystal can also used to heal others. The Self-Healed crystal takes situations which appear to be devastating, and helps them to fulfill themselves. After some healings, the crystal will change colour or clarity at the point of healing. So not only has it healed, but also transformed. Or rather I should say that it has visually transformed. I believe that all healing comes with a transformation … but this type of crystal lets us see that transformation. The Self-Healed crystals revealed themselves to me as "Star Child Crystals" and shared a song.

This crystal has a shovel formation and can be used to assist one in the approach to solutions and to promote the revelation of same. It further acts to bring information which will assist on in progress towards resolution. It provides encouragement to one to gather knowledge throughout the travels of life. It encourages lasting impressions of desirable experiences and hinders lasting impressions of undesirable experiences, without allowing one to forget the lessons learned from these experiences. If one is attentive to the inner self, one will seldom be placed in circumstances requiring the repeat performance of undesirable lessons.

These crystals have one or more of its faces which resemble a “spade” (from a deck of playing cards). The Spade Quartz brings an insight which allows one to see into the heart of a situation to determine the benefit, or detriment to the continued participation. It will further act to promote the inner strength required for continuing or discontinuing the participation. It is a protective stone for travel, especially by air. It will also act to facilitate all action required to provide one with persistence to maintain “correctness”.

A star crystal, also known as asterated, has a naturally occurring 4 or 6 ray star which held in direct light. This crystal’s energy brings forth the light of the universe, integrating it with the light of the inner self, so that we may speak, act and perform the will of the Divine.

These crystals are rare flat Quartz crystals with two of the opposing sides being larger and wider with notches on one or both of the flat sides. They are often double terminated and on occasion can be seen in clusters. They are a very high vibration crystal, rarely recognized for the power that is instilled within it. Tabulars have a different energy frequency than any other Quartz configuration and their full potential has not yet been properly acknowledge or utilized. Rubbing the fingernail in a downward motion across the notches of the Tabby, produces an opening of the crystal. This opening is similar to opening file drawers and one can then access the information which is contained within the crystal. Closure of this opening is achieved by rubbing the fingernail in an upward motion across the notches. In addition, this crystal is used to activate other crystals and minerals. One way to accomplish this is to hold the Tabby in the hand of preference and to rub the notches in a downward motion, while holding the other stone in the other hand. Tabbies are a connecting communicator which strives to equalize energies. They are wonderful in helping to bridge any gaps in communication or sharing. Double terminated Tabs can be used in telepathic communication between two like minded people. A Tabby can be held in each hand to balance the energy flow in the body. Tabular crystals often times become personal meditation pieces or private teacher crystals because they establish such a strong link between you and your higher self. They will attract themselves towards the people who can best attune to their frequency and benefit from their power. They usually appear at crucial states of development when you are advancing to the next step or level of awareness.

Time link crystals can be recognized by a parallelogram adjacent to one of the faces of the crystal. It is a seventh facet which empowers the crystal with added dimension and power. Katrina Raphaell believes that the parallelogram is one of the main geometrical teachers at this time and offer a unique expertise in linking simultaneous existences. Time Link crystals are like bridges that the soul can travel upon in order to consciously connect with aspects of the self existing in other times and places. With the help of the Time Link crystals and the soul as a trustworthy guide, past and future identities can be witnessed and ancient heartaches can by healed. The Time-Link Crystals shared a song.

TRANS-CHANNELING CRYSTAL (Also known as a Dow Crystal)
This crystal is known by a configuration of three seven-sided faces, each adjacent on both sides to a three-sided triangular face. It is a crystal of balance. This structure combines the qualities of the transmitter crystal and the channeling crystal. It is the crystal for creativity and service to humanity through both spiritual and mystical pursuits. It allows access to the records relating to each question or thought and, even without focusing, provides intuitive awareness in all situations.

Any configuration of Quartz can be a Transformation crystal but it is usually not recognized until the beginning of the transformation, in which there is a change in shape, quality, and/or colour. This crystal is one for progressive change, assisting one in forward movement in all aspects of life. It helps one to replace negative attitudes with positive direction. When transformation takes place in the crystal, a change in colour tends to stimulate activity and healing related to the new colour; a change in shape often indicate the creation of a self-healing crystal; change in quality may signify the addition or elimination of negativity.

Transmitter Quartz Crystals are recognized by a configuration of two symmetrical seven-sided faces with a perfect triangular face located between them. The 7-3-7 combination indicates personal improvement, creativity and manifestation. The combination of the two seven-sided faces brings the qualities of ease, in change and in progress, together with variety in the experience of higher knowledge. The Transmitter can help one to connect to the highest wisdom and one can receive specific information to specific circumstances or one can receive the universal truth necessary for ones growth to enlightenment. It is a communication stone, allowing one to send and receive thought transmissions. As one works with transmitter crystals, it is possible to learn the art of communication by clearly stating your intentions with the assurance that you are ready and willing to incorporate the return energy.

Twins share a common base and yet have two distinct terminations at the apex. Both terminations may or may not be the same height. The important thing is that there is a paring of single points. Sometimes, where the single crystals meet, there will be brilliant fluorescent rainbows. These crystals relate to personal relationships and to the harmonious union of two separate, yet intimately bonded individuals. The ones with rainbows will transmit a sense of joy while replaying the many rays and ways that relationships can be coloured. These crystals help us to understand that love gives freedom. They can help us to balance conflicting relationships and to see that there are always solutions that can be found, assisting us in discovering ways to resolve disagreements. The Twin crystals transmit the reality of unity, by holding them, meditating with them, sleeping with them, or just having them around, greater unification starts to take place. These crystals can show us how to create a closer connection, whether that is with another person or with our Source. These crystals can teach us how it is possible to merge with another without losing identity or giving up personal power.

These crystals have a large diamond shaped window located in the centre front of the crystal, such that the top point of the diamond connects with the line leading directly to the termination, the side points connect with the angles forming the opposing faces, and the bottom point connects with a line leading to the base of the crystal. The window actually becomes the seventh face. Not all diamond-faced crystals are Windows. True Window crystals have a large diamond shaped face in the centre front of the crystal. They will be apparent and obvious. These crystals are powerful teachers. They are like open windows through which one can see into the essence of the self. They often allow one to become aware of the insecurities which inhibit the expression of the perfect self. They allow for the reflection of ones self-image. These are very personal crystals and grow in power the more they are used. They do not hold impressions or carry records with them. They reflect. In order to incorporate what the Window Crystals will reflect, one must be willing to let go of thoughts, actions, patterns and behaviours that prevent the acceptance of responsibility to live in the truth. Otherwise conflict can arise in one’s life by having seen the soul’s potential yet being unable or unwilling to manifest it. These special crystals will come to a person when he/she is willing to honestly look within the self and to accept the truth. Window crystals have been used to locate missing persons and lost items.

References: Melody, Katrina Raphaell