Blessing for the Spring Equinox
Spring Equinox is a very magical time of year but I have found this year to be especially powerful. If you are a sensitive soul like me, as the earth is moving through her transition into this new season, you may feel the shift in your body. It makes sense that as we expand further into this new age we feel our connection to Gaia more deeply.
Our interconnectedness to the universe is not a new thing of course but even though we’ve been aware of this link to the Earth mother we are beginning to feel it more intensely at this time. We may even literally be feeling her in our own bodies. For me it showed up as headaches, achy body, interrupted sleep, intense sadness and I had many old memories coming up. You may have experienced the shift in other ways. I’m sure there are ways of experiencing the change in season that I can’t even imagine. However it happens to show up, understanding why we are having these experiences can ease the discomfort. That is because when we understand what is happening in our bodies we are less likely to fear it and fear intensifies pain. My distress lifted once I made the connection to the Equinox.
Listen to your body
There are other ways to lessen the uneasiness. Listening to our body and giving it what it needs during this sacred event is so important. Going deeper into the feelings however they show up can help us move through them more quickly and more easily. As the earth is expressing through us we must allow that expression to be given form. Any distress comes only from ignorance, resistance or fear.
The stone beings are brilliant at supporting us through such transitions. These children of the earth have experienced incredible upheavals during their growth and they hold knowledge and insight on how to get through these shifts that they will openly share with us.
I invited in a Stone Being to journey through the Vernal Equinox with me. A beautiful Novaculite stone came forward. She shared a message. We are passing it along to you in the hope that it may offer you a gift.
On letting go …
Letting go is sticky because even the desire and intent to let go of something can be an attempt at control. And that’s the very opposite to releasing your hold.
We, the crystal blades, come forth to help you cut ties. We can show how to sever etheric threads that tether you to undesirable patterns. But without fully releasing those ties on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) they will reform.
That is our real gift to you. To show you a deeper level of release. Take us with you on an inner journey and we will show you.
Novaculite also shared a crystal blessing and I'm including it here for you so you can have a deeper, more personal connection and perhaps receive your own message:
Spring Cleaning
There is something else that happens during this transition into the new season...a primal urge to clean. We declutter our homes. We may do a body cleanse. We don't always think of cleansing our spirit. I wasn't thinking about it--not consciously. But the crystals reminded me.
As we go through life (this one and others) we sometimes pick up energetic attachments and patterns that play out unconsciously in our lives. These are the issues that we are sure we finally cleared from our lives and then pop up again. Two very special crystal blades recently started singing for me and guided me through a Karma Cleanse ceremony. This is not about judgement. It's about cutting any etheric cords that are keeping you in a cycle that you're ready to move on from. Sometimes having awareness of the purpose of an experiences is enough to detach. Sometimes we need a little help. Everything I've shared with you can do just that, but if you need a little help, I can guide you through this Karma Cleanse ceremony that the crystals shared with me.
My wish for you
The winter is passing. It has been a time of deep inner reflection and silent creativity. May the creations you’ve been gestating now spring out from the depth and blossom with vibrant light as you give birth to all things that give you great joy and much gratification.
That is my wish and my blessing for you.
Originally published March 31, 2018