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Crystals for the Body Temple

In a world where there is such a palpable division between body and soul, it can be easy to forget that physicality and spirituality are interconnected. The physical body is the sacred home of the soul during this earth experience. So of course it is a significant part of a spiritual practice. I have come to discover that there is a parallel between the strength of the body/heart/mind and the strength of a person’s spirituality.

Crystals can be a great source of support when working to strengthen the physical form. Those who know me, will not be surprised to hear me say that any crystal that you are intuitively guided to or drawn to working with, will be the right one for this purpose. Even if the metaphysical books don’t list that as part of the stones energetic gifts.

Having said that, if you need a little help connecting with a crystal, here are a few suggestions:

Nova Scotia Blue Agate

Blue Agate from Nova Scotia carries the energy of the Divine Father. It is a beautiful stone to connect with when you are needing to tap into a pure source of Divine Masculine energy.


When iron is exposed to oxygen, either through the atmosphere or contact with water, it will oxidize, giving birth to Hematite. Transforming the nature of one of the hardest metals on the earth, Hematite is endowed through the very process of its creation with the powers of metamorphosis. It carries the strength of iron and the ethereal essence of oxygen.

Pyrite Fossil Nodules

As fossils, Pyrite Fossil Nodules are the crystalized bones (so to speak) of ancient sea creatures. They are a great support for structural issues. These solidified sea stones will also support you in any transformation you are undergoing in your life. They have, after all, gone through a very powerful transformation themselves ... from sea being to stone being over aeons. A primordial metamorphosis ... Ancient Alchemy!


Fuchsite is a gorgeous green stone of abundance. It can help us to bounce back after tense physical or emotional situations, while understanding the process.

Peachy Scribals

Peach Feldspar Stones and Smoky Quartz Scribals. Shimmery Feldspar smoky Quartz crystals come together to create fascinating forms that read like an ancient tome. Feldspar is a stone of self awareness which is key to affecting physical transformation. It emits a sustaining energy, enhancing our effectiveness in both routine and non-routine activities.

Sutherland Marble

These beautiful lemon Sutherland Marble stones carry a soft strength. They can help to join the heart with the solar plexus for setting loving boundaries. Marble, being a stone of strength and transformation (a metamorphic rock), can be of great value in tapping into your inner power and expressing it in a loving way.