These beautiful Marble Stones were lovingly hand collected in Sutherland, Scotland by my supplier himself and given a soft tumble. These are a rare offering. I have never seen these offered anywhere else. They are small stones but hold a very special energy - a soft strength. These Marble stones are a soft pastel green and yellow tone. A wonderful stone to join the heart and the solar plexus. And Marble being a stone of strength and transformation (a metamorphic rock) it can be of great value in tapping into your inner power and expressing it in a loving way.
These hand harvested stones range in size from approx. 1/2" to 1-1/2". They are quite small in size but powerful in energy. I will listen for the Sutherland Marble Tumbled Stone that is singing for you.
I also have a bag of small pieces and chips for garden, medicine pouch or elixirs. If you would like that make a note at checkout and I'll send you that instead of a single stone. it is the same price as 1 stone. You will receive all the chips in this parcel pictured here.