Year Stone for 2023
There is a sacred practice that I’ve adopted where I invite in a stone being as co-creator for projects that I am working on or to help me shift out of old unhealthy patterns and into greater well being. Just as you can call on a spirit animal, ancestor or angel to guide you, so too can you call on a Stone Being. I call these mystical beings, Soul Journey Stones.
These Crystals can come forward to guide you with a specific creation, like finding a home or life partner, starting a new business or career, or help you heal your body, heart or mind. But you can also invite them in, like you would a friend, to walk with you on a particular journey…like this next magical, powerful year...as your year stone for 2023.
Song of Stones' Year Stone
Journey Crystals do not just have to be personal guide stones. They can come forward for families, for communities, for homes, for projects, or for businesses. Every year a crystal sings for Song of Stones. They are not just there to shift the energy of the business, but they come through for its customers...for you. You are invited to tap into the energy of Song of Stones' Year Stone to bring some magical energy into your life. The Year Stone singing for 2023, is Copal.
Copal Amber Crystals
Copal is a young form of Amber. Amber is ancient and wise. It is one of those stone beings who holds the energy of duality, appearing dark and opaque until you hold it up to the light and are gifted with their golden translucency. Amber is the blood of the tree beings and is telling me right now that it can help us to seal any open wound, be it physical, emotional or spiritual.
Coping with Collective Trauma
There are hints to Copal's metaphysical qualities not just in its form and colour but also in its name...
Copal = COPE-ALL
The beings on this planet, all of us--human, plant, animal and other--are experiencing much trauma, individually and collectively. Copal is coming forward at this time to help us to transform that pain.
These crystals, specifically the younger Copal, are essential crystals for Light Workers at this time.
Your personal Year Stone
If you haven’t done so already, I invite you to call in your personal Journey Stone for the year 2023. You can choose one or let one choose you. Be open to the one who comes forward. The greatest magic will often come from the most unlikely stone.
As you might imagine, I have several year stones for 2023. You may have more than one as well, depending on what you are creating this year. I'm working on several projects this year so I have Journey Stones for each major creation. If you need a little help finding your 2023 crystal guide, feel free to get in touch. It’s what I do.
Send you new year blessings of...
joy, inspiration, success, prosperity, well being, and above all … magic!