What is the Song of Stones
How the name Song of Stones came to be and why I call the messages from the stone beings … songs?
Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Each being has a unique energy signature—a frequency that is their own personal expression. All of existence is vibrating and vibration is sound. So in essence the Universe is a song—a harmony that is being sung by all of creation through their mere presence. The name Song of Stones is a symbol of this universal song…the vibrations of light that sing through the universe.
There is a deeper reason too. There is a song that I have heard playing since I began to awaken to the magic of the Universe. It is not audible to the human ear. It extends beyond the 5 senses. You must hear it with your soul not with your body.
A song only I could hear
When I first started hearing it I didn’t know what it was. It scared me at first because I thought that there was something wrong with me. But I came to find comfort in that constant tone because it reminded me of my connection to All That Is. Whenever I feel lost and anxious I take a moment to tune into that sound and remember that I am part of the Universal harmony.
When I feel the crystals vibrating and sense their song—their story—I also feel that deep connection to unity consciousness where there is no separation between any being.
The story of a crystal
Crystals have been in this world for eons. They are the record keepers of our world. They hold the stories and wisdom that have been whispered across the ages. They share this information with us through their harmonious vibrations. These “songs of the stones” may not be heard by the human ear but at some level we pick up on their meaning simply by being near them.
Just as songs are stories set to music, the crystals share their timeless tales with us through their harmonious emanations. And just as a song can touch us even if we don’t understand the words, a stone being’s harmonic frequency can be felt at some level. And though we can’t hear their messages audibly, they can move us quite deeply.
That is the reason I call the messages that are whispered to me from the stone beings…songs.
I’ve also come to understand another connection between crystal and a song—resonance.
“When the vibration from one object causes another object to vibrate, it is called resonance. Resonance occurs when an object, such as an instrument or even a room, vibrates in response to sound waves of a certain frequency.”
One influences the other.
They sing for us
When we are in the presence of a crystal who is “singing” for us—whose frequency is in harmony with us—who’s energy we are in alignment with, we respond to that song by singing back in the same frequency. The part of us that is in resonance with the crystal, awakens.
This is where the magic of crystal healing lies. The stone beings model the vibration of harmony so that we can remember and adjust to that frequency in our own bodies. Simply being in the presence of a crystal that we resonate with can remind us of a part of ourselves that we had forgotten. Their light signature (or energetic frequency) sparks something in us—a sense memory. That awareness shifts us out of our current vibrational pattern and into an expanded one.
In other words, they sing and we sing back.