Crystal Love Power
Holiday celebrations tend to bring out an array of emotions. That is especially true for this month’s heart day.
Some of these feelings are:
- The hopefulness of deepening personal bonds;
- The excitement and anticipation of delicious food and lightened moods;
- The pleasure and surprise of giving and receiving gifts wrapped in pretty packages.
The ugly side
But there is another side to holidays. The expectation can lead to disappointment. Sometimes bonding with loved ones can become messy and ugly. And there are times that the pressure and expense of gift giving can cause stress and anxiety.
February’s love holiday can bring up feelings of loneliness––even for those who are not single. Any emotions that were hiding beneath the surface can suddenly take the center position. All the insecurities that have ever come up about our lovableness play over and over in the mind.
How can we strengthen the heart?
The heart can ride these roller coaster emotions many times in a single day leaving us drained and tense.
How can we help our heart to transition from these ups and downs?
How can we let ourselves feel the joys that come without the fear and dread of the inevitable downs?
How can we have a smoother ride?
Crystal Love Power
You can invite in a little crystal love to help ease the turmoil of the constant twists and turns in the journey of the heart. Any crystal can offer that because all crystals are tuned into the frequency of love. There are some who are known for their love power.
Love Crystals
We tend to reach for Rose Quartz's loving pink tone for matters of love. But did you know Celestite’s cool blue can sing softness into our hearts?
When I first held a Celestite crystal in my hand, I was immediately drawn to holding it at my heart. Celestite helped me to allow my deepest feelings to surface...to feel them no matter how painful and to be open to receiving support. Its soft, gentle, supporting energy shows me so clearly my worth and my greatness. I was amazed that such a cool colour can have such a "heart" warming effect.
We all know that green is the colour of the heart chakra and Emeralds have been known as "the lover's stone" at least as far back as ancient Egypt. But a lavender stone can just as easily open our 4th centre.
Let your heart choose!
When choosing crystals for your heart…let your heart choose. In other words trust your intuition to know which stone you need in the moment––even if it is not a “known” heart stone. The crystal that is most beautiful to you in the moment will be the one that you need most.
Get in touch If you need help finding the heart stone who is singing for you.