Summer Solstice Crystals 2024
How to celebrate solstice with the stone beings
The Summer Solstice is a very special and powerful time. In the northern hemisphere It happens when the North Pole is at its maximum tilt towards the sun, receiving the most light of any day of the year and sitting at its highest point in the noonday sky.
It is an important day across the planet, guiding farmers, marking a seasonal change, and holding the most light of any day of the year. For some it is a sacred day, full of magic, and rich with beautiful customs and rituals.
Cycles and Alignments
The solstice is a time to connect with earth cycles and celestial alignments. It also offers the opening to connect on a more personal level with the cycles of our bodies—our inner cycles. Inviting in the possibility of grand personal transformation.
We can celebrate this day and tap into its power with the magic of crystals.
This year during the Summer Solstice, a pair of crystal wands were singing. A lightning struck quartz crystal and a raw copal one. A fitting pair given the many storms blowing through here the past week.
Opposites Attract
I held the wands in my hand and was struck by this pairing of opposites.
Lightning is etheric, untouchable, fast and fleeting. Fine strands of light tearing into the sky, lighting up the world for a second and then leaving us in darkness.
Sap on the other hand is thick, tactile, and slow. It stays with us forever, taking all that is in its stream into eternity with it.
These crystals give us the gift of bringing these two disparate energies together and holding them in our hands.
Both of these crystal wands are singers. Which further highlights their contrasting characteristics. Sap, softly, subtly, silently, slinking through time. While Lightning is heralded by thunderous claps and gushes of water tapping on glass, slapping leaves and creating rivers that slosh and splash.
Sound presents so differently with these natural elements. And so too do we hear the song of each of these crystals in a unique way.
Their Gift
These crystals come forward to show us how to find calm in emotional storms, when the mind is racing and our stress levels rise. Remember them when the next storm comes. Bring them in to your meditation or keep them close and allow yourself to settle into your peaceful center.
Connect with these crystals if you feel their magnetic pull. Or listen for the song of your own personal Solstice stone for 2024.
Call on me if you need help connecting with either.