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Song of Dolomite

A very intuitive customer recently asked me about this stone … just about the time I was thinking about what this stone really is.  Quite some time ago I brought home a wonderful stone – very much like this stone.  It was sold to me as Dolomite which I accepted without question.  It was a very special stone and quickly became a new favourite. Not long after, I received similar stones mixed in with a shipment of Carnelians.  They were so similar to my stone, that I began offering them as Dolomite, without a thought to researching what it was.  As I began to learn more about stones, I began to wonder if this stone was indeed Dolomite.  It seems that their appearance is more like that of Red Jasper (also a wonderful stone).  One thing I do know is that every person that picks up and holds one feels instantly calm and comforted.  So whatever this stone is, it does have this quality of Dolomite.  Perhaps this comforting quality is the reason I did not feel it necessary to look into it further.  My enquiring customer inspired me to share this story with you.  I like to know as much about the stone beings I bring home as possible – so I imagine you do also.  If anyone has any insights to offer, I would be grateful.

Just as I began to share this story with you … this same customer … a very special soul … got back in touch with me, letting me know that she did find a reference to Dolomite forming in this colour!  (If anyone is interested, the reference was in Crystal Power, Crystal Healing by Michale Gienger … I have not had checked this personally yet).  I think it’s important to share also, that it came at a very synchronistic time.  I was having doubts about something that was happening in my life … a personal issue that seemingly had no connection to my work with crystals … yet we can see clearly by this story that “all” is connected.   This experience with the Dolomite stone helped me to see “clearly” how important it is to trust our inner guidance.  Interestingly, I had been carrying my Dolomite stone (the original one I purchased) for comfort during this time of doubt.


© Song of Stones 2008