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Lift energetic dust with Seraphinite

Seraphinite has been singing.

Seraphinite Is unique to one special part of the world. One specific locale in Russia. Crystals from that part of our globe have a gorgeous energy. Some of my favourite stones come from there, like Shungite and Charoite.

In its raw form the silvery chatoyancy eclipses the deep green that comes out in the polished pieces. But it is only in its raw form that you can feel the soft, soapy texture of this stone.

The Wings of Angels

When you look at the chatoyant sprays and see reflected in them the wings of angels, you can easily understand why it was named Seraphinite—after the Seraph celestial beings. When you go deeper with them, that angelic energy can be felt quite powerfully.

I remembered reading in one of the crystal books that it helps with weight loss and that connection to the last crystal singing here was not lost on me. Apatite came to help me understand and shift my experience with hunger—not just on the physical level but with the hunger at the soul level to live in my highest purpose.

Angelic feather duster

Seraphinite took me deeper with this work. Now that I understood my hunger to fulfil my soul’s purpose, Seraphinite swept in like an angelic feather duster and cleared all the old limiting beliefs that kept me frozen in my old repetitive patterns. Now my energetic frequency was matching my desire—I was starting to walk my talk.

So while apatite helped me to get clear on what I was here to do, Seraphinite was helping me to do the thing. I experienced extreme clarity, together with courage, conviction and the certitude to stand up and follow through with what I need to do.

A gift from Angels

I don’t remember ever feeling so in sync with myself and in my personal power. This, I am understanding now, is the essence of sovereignty and the gift of this angelic stone being.



I invite you to explore what Seraphinite’s gift will be for you. You may experience what I did, but this stone being might have something different for you.