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Sacred Change

Autumn 2

The change between summer and fall is one of the hardest I think. We begin to move farther from the sun and closer to the darkness of the winter. It is the most visual change of the seasons. The full bounty of summer’s harvests dwindle and die. The vibrancy of summer’s green dims to gold. The trees begin to display bursts of rich autumn tones that we know to be a precursor to their stark and naked state during the winter season.

I think letting go of this summer is even harder as we are still waiting for it to fulfil it’s promise to us. We’re still waiting for the rich and varied abundance of fruits and veggies to grace our tables. We’re still waiting to moan over the intensity of the heat. We’re still waiting to turn red and then brown, becoming a suitable backdrop to our bright summer garb. Summer was a cold bitch this year and she’s not offering any apologies for that. She’s done with us and she’s not looking back.

We will have to wait until next year to see if she’ll then meet with our expectations. And that we can do; but there is a part of us that is holding the question of what if … what if we have another unbearably long and cold winter. What if next summer is even colder and emptier. There is a part of us that is mourning the warmth and variety that summer usually gifts us with. There is a part of us that fears she won’t ever return. Search within yourself – you’ll see it. It’s an age old fear that goes beyond just the change of season. It’s one of empty promises and abandonment.

I think that what we’ve been experiencing this summer is the Earth’s reflecting the minimalistic state that many of us are experiencing on a greater level. I don’t think that this cold scarcity we’re experiencing is because the Earth is holding back. Gaia is showing us outwardly what we’re feeling inwardly. It’s always been this way, but as humanity grows and expands, things begin to happen much more quickly. We’re seeing the outward manifestation of our inner state so much faster than ever before. How amazing are we! That takes BE THE CHANGE to a whole other level.

I may be articulating what I’m seeing in my own little world, but somehow I sense that many are feeling the craziness and stress of the powerful changes our world is exhibiting. Many of us are spinning from the coldness and stripped down version of life in some aspects while experiencing the contrast of the magic, miracles and muchness in other areas. Hmmmm … makes me wonder now if we’re experiencing a more intense and concentrated version of the BIPOLAR-ISM of the world of duality.

So yes … now what do we do about it! But you see the Universe is not spinning us around without giving us something to help us navigate through the dizziness. One of her best gifts are her Crystal Children. They are wondrous guides and sources of support through these turbulent times. They reflect her love for us and show us how to be begin to love ourselves too. It’s amazing how far that will carry us. Grab a stone in each hand and see if you feel more balanced through the chaos. Get in touch if you need help finding the perfect stones to support your specific needs.
