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Golden Glow

The light spectrum emitted from a beeswax candle is the closest of all waxes to natural sunshine. Beeswax Candles emit negative ions which clean the air by neutralizing pollutants and toxins.

I'd been looking for natural candles for some time. I tried the soy and other vegetable wax candles but they just did not have the energy I was seeking when I lit a candle--so I just didn't use them. When I needed a soft light for meditation or ambience, I would burn olive oil, which is very nice ... but there are times that I just simply wanted to light a candle. Then I found these wonderful beeswax candles. They had that very thing that I'd been looking for, but didn't realize I was looking for.  They have a lovely natural honey scent and beautiful texture and appearance. But what I'd been looking for was more was the energy of golden light.

I can give you lots of practical reasons for burning beeswax candles...

All Natural

Beeswax is a natural byproduct of honey production by bees, making it a sustainable and renewable resource. This means that they are eco-friendly and support the well-being of our planet.

Beeswax candles burn cleanly and emit no harmful toxins or pollutants. They are free from the chemicals and artificial fragrance oils often found in other candles, making them safe for you and the environment. 

Supporting the use of bee products promotes sustainable beekeeping practices and the well-being of these vital pollinators. Choosing beeswax candles contributes to the conservation of honeybee populations.

Natural aromatherapy

The subtle, natural scent of honey is released when natural beeswax candles burn, adding a delightful and soothing aroma to your space. This gentle fragrance creates a warm and inviting atmosphere without the need for artificial fragrances. The soft, warm glow of beeswax candles and their calming aroma creates an ambiance that promotes relaxation, meditation, and stress relief.

Like the Sun

When natural golden beeswax burns it gives off a soft golden glow. The light spectrum emitted from a beeswax candle is the closest of all waxes to natural sunshine.

Beeswax candles don't drip when properly used, and have long burn times, making them economical as well.They burn cleaner, brighter, hotter and longer than other candles. Other candles require chemical additives to increase burn time.

Breathe easy

Many people are allergic to the toxic waxes and artificial fragrances common in todays candles. Beeswax is non-allergenic and is a natural air cleaner, recommended by the American Lung Association. It's the best choice for asthma and allergy sufferers. Be sure that the candles you buy are 100% beeswax - some countries allow as little as 10% beeswax in candles labeled as "beeswax".

When used correctly, these candles are designed to burn with minimal dripping and virtually no smoke. This ensures a hassle-free and clean burning experience with no wax mess or unpleasant odors.

My Soul wanted the golden glow

These are all great reasons but they are reasons of the mind. I began lighting these candles for my soul. The Soul knows what it wants and my soul wanted this energy of golden light. I've seen beeswax candles before, but I've never been more drawn to the candles as I was now.

It might also be because they are handmade by a family run company and there's nothing more nourishing and enjoyable than something made from the heart. It is like the difference between the taste and nourishment of homemade meal versus one that's made in a restaurant even if they are cooked with the same ingredients.

Things that are natural and handcrafted with love have a special energy that you might not be able to put your hands on, but you can feel. I could feel that love and light in these candles.


For meditation or ceremony, when you are wanting to create a pure and the high vibrational space, beeswax candles are ideal. Their gift of golden light lifts and uplifts while at the same time cleansing and purifying. Sage, Resin and Palo Santo are often used to cleanse a space or a person. Lighting a beeswax candle does the same thing--without the smoke (some people are sensitive to smoke). This happens naturally, leaving the candle in place, but you can amplify the cleansing energy through intention and blessings.

Note: Do not use a candle the way you would use a smudge stick. You don't want to have a live flame near a person's body, hair, clothing. Keep the candle away from anything flammable and away from drafts.

Clean Air

I've been burning beeswax candles for other reasons lately too--to physically cleanse the air. As a sensitive soul, I react to chemical and energetic toxins in the air. Often without realizing, we bring home unseen chemicals when we do our shopping, when we visit others and even when we go for a walk outside, breathing in exhaust fumes and collecting them on our clothes. When the air feels heavy I light a candle and I always feel a shift in the air and in the energy. I breathe easier.

I also light candles more often during flu season and whenever one of us has been sniffling. I have found that it helps me feel better faster and I believe that it helps with the spread. I have not found any scientific studies or evidence of this or of whether they emit negative ions.

Do Beeswax candles emit negative ions?

There is lots of information out there that claims Beeswax Candles emit negative ions which are said to clean the air by neutralizing pollutants and toxins. I have not seen any specific scientific studies about this but I did find an interesting article in Alive Magazine written by an entomologist. Here's an excerpt from the article:

"Burning beeswax produces negative ions that circulate in the room and attract pollutants, in much the same way that a magnet attracts iron filings. Dust, odours, moulds, bacteria, viruses and other toxins are captured and neutralized. Beeswax actually cleans your air! 

You can burn beeswax candles in an unventilated room without fear of pollution. In fact, many people report that burning a candle in the bedroom for 30 minutes or so before falling asleep produces a more restful sleep. 

Paraffin, on the other hand, is a petroleum waste product, made from the sludge left over from the gasoline and petrochemical refining process. Paraffin produces no negative ions and so adds to the pollutants in your home. People with respiratory problems should not use paraffin candles, nor should people who do not want to develop such problems."

Here's the full Article, Bountiful Beeswax by Bill Reno

Beeswax Candle Burning Tips

All usual precautions that pertain to fire also pertain to burning candles: never leave a candle burning when no one is in the room; do not burn candles near drapes or other combustible materials

Keep the wick of your candles trimmed to 1/4"-1/2"

Allow the melted pool of pillars to reach the edge of the candle each time you burn it, about an hour per inch of diameter. This way you won't have to try to fold unmelted wax down from the sides and the pillar won't burn down the middle. You'll be starting off with the equivalent of a new (but shorter) candle each time.

If your candle will be lit for only a short time, use a taper, votive or tealight. 

Drafts cause flickering of the flame, which can result in uneven burning or dripping. 

Put out pillar flames by dipping the wick into the melted pool and then straightening (a paper clip is a handy tool).

Use a snuffer for tapers. 

If you don't like the natural bloom that develops on beeswax, simply rub your candles with your hand--the warmth will polish off the bloom. 

Put a tiny bit of water in the bottom of your glass tealight cups - makes removing the last vestiges of wax easy.

The beeswax votives and tea lights that I have are designed to fully liquefy as they burn. That means they need to be lit in a cup.