Earth Gifts
A couple of years ago right before Mother’s Day … the earth mother whispered a message in my ear. She is echoing that message to me again … and as I did last time, I’m sharing it with you.
Gaia says that …
“She has a gift for you. All you need do is open your heart and receive it. This Mother’s day – whoever you are, wherever you are, go outside and receive this gift Gaia has for you. Whether you go to the most beautiful and pristine natural setting or you are in the center of a concrete city block – the Earth will send you her gift. If you would like to give her a gift back, you may. She does not require it, but she will joyfully receive it. If you do offer her a gift, what she asks of you is quite precious. It requires something great of you. It is your presence.
That is the greatest present you could give her.”
I was excited to hear that message being echoed again now because I knew another gift from the earth mother was coming. Having the trust in my heart that a special gift was coming the first time made it one of the most magical Mother’s Days I’d ever experienced. The gift I received filled my heart and I was content. But the earth mother send a second gift to me that day … it came in the form of another message. From Gaia to me and then from me to you. I share that message with you again now …
“The earth (or the universe for that matter) cycles in change. Nothing is fixed.
Holidays, like Mother’s Day, is humanity’s attempt to FIX something in time – meaning AFFIX something within a time frame in order to have control over it. But now I realize that there is double meaning here … it’s also about fixing something in time – fixing an issue that’s been contained in your lifetime.
That’s not to say that you shouldn’t celebrate motherhood any way you choose. But there are many aspects of the mother energy to be celebrated and honoured. If you let go of what you believe that celebration should be about and open to the gift the day brings – and it will be different each year – then you will understand celebration in a deeper way. You will enjoy it in a way you haven’t enjoyed it before.”
I looked at the words again just now and I noticed something that fascinated me. Gaia’s message was about change and that was in synchronicity with what the Universe has been teaching me recently about surprises. It was about handling life’s unexpected surprises with peace and ease. Looking back at my experience on my magical Mother’s Day 2 years ago I remembered how many unexpected turns that day took – like how the hike we planned was cut short by the rain – how the restaurant sent me the wrong dinner – and the movie I had been looking forward to wasn’t as good as I thought it was going to be. But the biggest thing was that it was going to be the first Mother’s Day where both my kids were away. I could have been filled with disappointment rather than open hearted expectation. I could have easily seen that day as one of the worst instead of one of the best.
I must have needed to hear this message about the nature of change and about going with the flow. It was being reflected to me through the echo of Gaia’s message and it also came to me through a triangular shaped ruby which tumbled out of my bag and right into my hands just when I needed that energy.
I’m listening mystical mother.
So I’m going to go out this mom’s day to look for Gaia’s gift and I invite you to do the same thing. And if you’re reading this message and the holiday has passed … go out right now and find your gift because for Gaia every day is Mother’s Day and every day there is another gift to be found … all you have to do is look for it – expect it – open your heart and receive it. Everyday can be like that. When you look for the gifts, you find them. So while the message came specially for Mother’s day, it is true of any day. I think that was the real gift – realizing that this was a perpetual gift.
I sort of forgot Gaia’s whispered message to go outside and receive a gift … but in the early evening I suddenly felt this strong pull to go outside and mow the lawn of all things to do on Mother’s Day! So I did – it wasn’t like I had much choice – the pull was overwhelmingly powerful. I won’t lie and tell you I was not looking for some treasure in the grass as I was carefully mowing – worried I’d run over my gift. But when I relaxed into the movement I received my gift. It was not a tangible object – it was not a rock or branch or shell to be picked up and held in the hands. It was immaterial. Gaia’s gift to me was the same one that she asked of me … her presence. I can’t begin to describe the mystical, magical experience of feeling the Earth’s love in my heart in such a direct and clear way. What I was feeling made so much sense once my mind picked up on what my heart already knew. The neighbour dogs reacted to me in such an unusual way – I’ve noticed that when I am in a deep spiritual state of being or when Angels are present that dogs freak out a bit and they just start barking at me – well not really “at me” but in my direction. I know that they are reacting to the presence of a Divine being.
That magical event makes sense to my heart and also to my mind – once it catches up. What happened next was not so typical. The next day I was getting my blood drawn for a routine check and the same feeling that I experienced the night before came through me. It was that deep, beautiful, profound love that Gaia gifted me with the previous night. Her message was so clear. The love of the earth is not barred by concrete walls. We don’t have to be outside to feel the presence of Divine Nature – of Mother Earth. We can tap into it at any time.
Now this is not such a crazy concept to those of us in spiritual circles – but it is one thing to know it with the mind and it is another thing to feel it in the body.
Originally published May 12, 2018