Desires Fulfilled
A very special crystal began singing a powerful song and shared a message that held the promise of good things to come. This special crystalline being has opened me up to understand an energy shift that the world is experiencing at the moment. She whispered a message to my heart, which I shared in a “The Energy of 2015” blog. This crystal is IDA and she will be available through the year 2015 to inspire and support the inner journey of awakening desires.
When the Desires Fulfilled Star Song came into presence (111) as a special offering, it emanated a beautiful energy. When I was still, I could hear it’s ethereal vibration. The IDA crystal has much to share with us about fulfilling our desires. She holds many messages but the one that came through this star song was about FEELING DESERVING of the gift the Universe has for us. We can’t hope to allow the Universe to give us that gift if we don’t open wide enough for it. It would be like pouring 16oz worth of water into a 1oz glass. We would get some, but most will spill over.
In order to create the space for the BIG-ness of what the Universe is offering, you must first release any attachments/addictions to the “old” you – the one who plays “small”. Holding onto an untrue vision is like an having an addiction in a sense. It causes you to fall into compulsive patterns of behaviour that support the false image you created of yourself. The energy of this Star Song inspires you to repattern those old beliefs and create a new vision of yourself. It’s not really NEW. It’s the REAL you. It’s who you’ve always been. It’s the you who can say yes to the GRAND plan the Universe has been holding for you.
If you feel a connection to IDA and her message, you may be interested in seeing what she offers next. She’s inspired a year long journey into awakening our inner desires (coming soon).