At a Crossroads
I had a profound dream one night that moved me in a very deep way and inspired this post. In this dream I was on a journey with someone, who in my waking life has been one of my most difficult relationships. I had (after many turbulent encounters) come to recognize the gift this relationship brought and was finally able hold gratitude to the Universe for having sent her.
Through this dream, I was shown the true loving essence of this person. I got to see something that is very rarely seen. I saw her Soul. That experience shifted me from necessary acceptance to a deep affection for one who truly made my life unpleasant—though I’m sure she would say the same about me.
It was not just an ordinary dream. I really felt as if I connected with this person at the soul level. A message came through afterwards. One that I would like to share with you:
We walk a unique path in this existence we call physical ‘reality’.
"Each of us have our own unique path. Sometimes our path crosses with others and we walk together for a time. It may seem a random crossover but it is not. It has been mapped that way. It is destined. That does not negate our free choice for WE chose this path and all that it brings us to.
Some who we meet on this path may appear to be anything other than our friend. They may seem to hold hatred and contempt for us. They may seem to not have our best interest at heart. They may even appear to want harm to come to us.
KNOW THIS … if they are on our path there is purpose to our meeting them. There is also purpose when it comes time to part ways. How long we are together and how we choose to spend our time together is up to us.”
(I wanted to take that last sentence out because it really doesn’t feel that way. There have been many people in my life who I did not want to spend ANY time with and others whose time together was too short. It did not feel as if it was up to me.)
Invite in Guides
The Universe is kind and when it throws us into relationships that are difficult, it also sends us support. We may also choose to invite allies and guides in to illuminate our way or to help navigate the more difficult terrains of our relationships … the steep hills, rocky roads or detours through unfamiliar ground. I could give you examples but you know well the curves you are thrown.
The universe sent me the perfect guides to illustrate this message of “crossroads”. A circle of crystals which fused when they “crossed” together—Crossroads Crystals. They began singing in the middle of my writing this post. I left in the middle of typing it to listen to them.
Crossroads in relationships
Their song was of CROSSROADS in relationships. They showed me how sometimes it is up to us to break free from a relationship that is clouding our view of our true destiny. We may not be able to see the road ahead while we are looking in the wrong direction.
They showed me how murky our view becomes when we are in the midst of a relationship that is no longer appropriate for us and how things clear up when we break free of it. It might not be a relationship with another person. It could be a place we’re living or a group we’re a part of, etc. It is difficult to let go sometimes, but we must in order to have a clear view to what’s waiting for us.
Trouble letting go
I know a lot of us, especially those of us who are super sensitive forgiving souls, have trouble letting go of relationships that are no longer (or have never been) good for us. You can call out to the Universe for a little help in breaking the ties that bind us to our past and to see a clearer path ahead.
Your allies and guides come in many shapes and forms. They may hold physical form or come from the invisible realms. If you’re like me, you may seek out the crystal allies when faced with a challenge.
The stone beings have been some of my most treasured and magical and gentle guides. Some sit pretty and create an energy of love and “healing”. While some take me on a deep journey from which I emerge a changed person. I call upon them often and just as often they come to me—sometimes even before I am aware I need their support.
You can choose how it is you want to connect with the stone beings:
• You can choose to be in charge of the which, the where and the when.
• You can allow the stones to guide; or
• You can take a journey together—a co-creation
The lovely thing about the stones is that they are such pure and open beings that they will meet you wherever you are. They are open to whichever path you choose.
Get in touch if you would like some help connecting to the stone being who is singing for you.
Originally Published November 27, 2014