Hand harvested wild Canadian Prairie Sage.
I love White Sage! BUT when I discovered this WILD Canadian Prairie Sage, I was so excited. There is something very special about those Earth offerings that grow wild on the land, drawing in the energy of the place they grow, developing in harmony with and connected to all those who dwell together with it. Then there's the added dimension of being hand harvested with respect and love.
Sage is a ceremonial herb used for centuries by the Native Nations, but the practice dates back to ancient Babylon. There is something very special about working with this enchanting Earth Child. The sage's heavenly scent rises up in the smoke, and guided by your movement, shifts and transforms the energy of your space. It is a truly beautiful co-creative ritual.
CAUTION: Please take caution when burning sage. These prairie bundles are different than typical tightly bundled sticks. I was instructed just to pull a few of the dried leaves and burn them in a fireproof container.