An unexpected message came from an unexpected being.
I was wrapping a crystal for a client, when I heard to include a shell. I had no idea where my shells were so I trusted and began to walk in the direction I was guided. I was moved to lift up a box and then the one beneath that had to come up. I trusted the pull that guided my hand under yet another box. I couldn’t see what was there but I reached in and plucked out the being that had been silently singing. It was a shell of course. And what a magnificent one. A wee sliver of a being but powerful. So powerful. The shape was that of an ear ... how interesting! I was curious. What message did this ear shaped shell hold. The message ... as powerful as this magical being.
" ... this is not about listening to a physical sound with your ears. This sound is beyond the spectrum of human hearing. It’s beyond ultrasonic or subsonic sound ...."
–– excerpt from the Third Ear e-book
This ebook is not just words on digital pages, there is a mystical energy present "between the lines' that can be accessed, if you will. If you allow yourself to expand your mind and your heart you can tap into that energy and awaken your third ear and hear the Universe in a way that you never thought possible.