This magical Angel Phantom Crystal shared a message under the Full Snow Moon of February 2019. This crystal is Starland. He holds the gateway to any place and point in the Universe. He receives many visits from beings of different worlds and different planes of existence. He is host to magical gatherings and events, like a faery coronation, a meeting place for lovers whose family don't approve of their union (a Romeo and Juliette type scenario), a peaceful place for conflict resolution, and such - you get the gist. He is a galactic neutral zone in a manner of speaking. In a magical moment where he became ice cold in my hand, he showed me how the gateway opens. You can catch a glimpse of it through a rainbow light bubble which you can only see from one unique angle if you hold the crystal in just the right way.
Knowing all this, you will understand why Starland asks this question ... what is real and what is not.