These crystals came together in such a magically guided movement. A stillness came over the room and time seemed to stand still ... or perhaps it was that I was no longer bound to it. This glowing duet made themselves known to me as the Sun/Moon Alchemy Crystals. That was January 11, 2008 - 1/11/1 - quite a powerful day. These crystals remained here together in pairs awaiting the moment where they would be seen. That moment is here.
These Duets are a harmony of Quartz Crystals filled with fine threads of Rutile, one in the golden tone of the sun and silvery aspect of the moon. The ones with the Silver Rutile are also included with Brookite. I didn't know, 3 years ago when I first heard the song of the Sun/Moon crystals that Brookite would be one of the Crystal Alchemy stones. Rutile and/or Brookite are 2 of three of the forms of Titanium Dioxide. The three forms came together in song.
These magical duets sang to me. They shared a song. I realized that their song had no beginning and no end. It was one continuous song. Here's a piece:
The moon is subtle, yet powerful in her persuasion.
She silently affects the movement of the earth and even our moods.
Her forces guide the waters of our world ...
the emotions of our bodies.
The sun is fiery and bright. His strength is evident.
There is no mistaking where the warmth and light originate.
He is the energy for our earth,
the power behind us.
He is the form. She is the motion.
These crystals sing a song of the harmony of movement between the masculine and the feminine energies ... the sun and the moon. How fitting that as they were announcing their presence (1/11/1), Hawk and Owl also came forward with a wisdom. They mirror the Sun and their moon in their movement. One claims the day, the other the night. Both occupy the same territory ... wander the same landscape - yet they never bump heads. They each inhabit a separate body and rule a different aspect of this world. Each is fully content to light up the world in their own way. If they were not - if they hesitated in any way - if they doubted their form and place, even for a millisecond, they would disappear and lose reign of their realm. THIS is the message these stone beings sing through ... the majesty of the ruling authority of the kingdom of I am. They WILL support you unconditionally as you take your rightful place as ruler of your own destiny.
After the Duets came through, a small group of crystals emerged that seemed to have the tone and energy of both the Sun-Gold and the Moon-Silver. Each of these has a "phantom" at the base, which seems so solid it might be a manifestation crystal. With these inner crystals, these "single" crystals are in truth also DUETS!
These crystals range in size from approx. 3/4" to 1-1/4". I have 2 which came forward in 2008 and 4 which came forward in 2011. If you have a preference for a year, let me know. Otherwise I will listen for the one who is singing for you.