Copper is such a magical crystal. It is a crystal of alchemy. A crystal of transformation. This group caught and held my attention so powerfully while I was at my supplier's that I couldn't walk out without them. They are magnificent. If you are a woman healing yourself or others through the expansion of the Divine Feminine, I invite you to call in copper to co-create with you. They have so much wisdom to offer us light workers at this time.
The Magic of Copper
Copper vibrates to the number 1, Astrological sign of Taurus and Sagittarius. Copper is said to bring luck, especially in the recovery of property. It is a ‘bestower of good’, bringing benefit to the user. It emits a philosophic, unbiased energy which directs one toward personal growth while allowing one to recognize the barriers which are in the path of ones development. It is excellent for use in policy making and policing, providing insights into avenues for attaining rights in all areas. Copper is known to combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability and nonacceptance of oneself. It stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy and independence. It encourages one to seek and release the restrictions established within the self.
These Tablets range in size from approx. 2" to 3". I will listen for the copper tablet who is singing for you.
NOTE: These are raw stones and the edges are somewhat jagged. Please handle with care. Consider this before adopting one.