These very special duets came together in a guided movement. They are a marriage of White Howlite Tumbles and Fox Mine Turquoise from Nevada. The Turquoise Stones are completely natural, unstabilized stones that have received nothing but a light sanding. They are spectacular.
I was very attracted to one of the duets. I claimed it and co-created a Star Song with them.The gift I received was quite dramatic. First I felt a strengthening of my physical body. I did a Tai Chi class that day and I was amazed at how much easier the movements were. That was just the beginning. What I noticed next was profound. it was a release of something I held "in my bones" (I was specifically given the word "bones"). It was a long held trauma that I'd buried and forgotten. What was most beautiful was the ease and synchronicity with which it rose up and how the message of it was received and then released. That does not mean I did not experience a physical response to this profound shift - but it was mild in relation to the nature of the release.
Ten Duets came together in total.The remaining 9 are offered here. They are small stones. Perfect for a medicine pouch. They are beautiful in their forms and the colours come together in vibrant harmony. These duets come forth with a special gift for a group of 10 light guides. You will know if this duet is for you. There will be no doubt.
I will listen for the Sea and Sky Duet who is singing for you.