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Releasing Anger - Labrador Tea Essential Oil Sample - Song of Stones

Releasing Anger - Labrador Tea Essential Oil Sample

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Labrador Tea (Ledum) Sample

Labrador Tea has been whispering its message to me and guiding me to make it availble to those who are in need of its rare essence.  A few precious drops of a this precious essential oil have been placed in a wee amber vial for you to reach for when it calls to you.  I have been guided to offer the oil as it is without diluting it.  Simply open and inhale as needed. 

PLEASE NOTE:  There are a few drops of this oil in a 1.5 ml. amber glass vial.  Currently a full 1.5ml. full vial of this oil is almost $80.00.  You may special order a full vial through me if you wish.  This essence has been whispering it's message to me and has inspired me to make it availalbe in this affordable way. 

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LABRADOR TEA (Ledum groenlandicum) is steam distilled from wild leaves in Canada.  Labrador Tea is connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra.  I think a lot of us are working with this energy center at this time and I believe this is the reason I'm being guided to offer it.  This essence helps us to release the emotions of dissatisfaction, anger and obsession. It will help us let go of traumatic memories and experiences that may be the root of those powerful emotions. Once we release these suppressed emotions, this oil can help us stay spiritually centered and stay in the moment.  I don't think it's a coincidence that I'm about to release a guide on ANGER.  Love the way the Universe works!

Lab Tea is a marvelous herb for regenerating the liver. It is known as “Ioke” to indigenous Alaskans. This abundant herb carries the ability to neutralize toxins in liver cells and blood stream, making it an antidote for hangover and food poisoning. A few sips of this tea will settle even the worst case of indigestion.  In addition to cleansing and regenerating liver cells, Labrador tea is also regenerative to the pancreas. It can help restore blood sugar balance when used over several weeks or months and accompanied by a positive change in dietary habits. Use only in micro doses, such as in semi-homeopathic remedies, if you have high blood pressure or heart palpitations.

DISCLAIMER:  None of these are recognized or approved by the FDA.  They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  They have not been studied or evaluated as to the risks or effectiveness.  Please do your research before you use this or any essential oil, as some of the oils require you to take certain precautions.