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Celestite raw Crystals
Celestite raw Crystals
Celestite raw Crystals
Celestite raw Crystals

Celestite raw Crystals

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Celestite is more commonly found in clusters. it's rare to find them in single crystals or tiny clusters. They are wonderful to have in this size for ease of carrying in a medicine pouch or for crystal grids.

This stone being opens a doorway into that which is unexpected ... into that which is seen but not realized and into that which is not usually visible to the naked eye. Celestite will help you to SEE all those things and more. They are a wondrous and magical group of beings and are perfect guides for the Light Guides. Celestite is quite a heavy stone, which is interesting because it takes you into the realms of light. Perhaps that's the purpose - to allow you to feel grounded when you're in the presence of the light beings. That is not the only dichotomy of Celestite. It is a heavenly blue colour, yet it stirs the heart. We are accustomed to thinking of green being a heart colour but Celestite shows us clearly to go outside of our preconceived notions of the chakra colours and other assumptions we've made.

When I first held a Celestite crystal in my hand, I was immediately drawn to holding it at my heart. Celestite helped me to allow my deepest feelings to surface ... to feel them no matter how painful and to be open to receiving support. Its soft, gentle, supporting energy shows me so clearly my worth and my greatness. I was amazed that such a cool colour can have such a "heart" warming effect.

Celestite (or Celestine) vibrates to the numbers 8 & 2 and the astrological sign of Gemini. Celestite is soft, fragile and sensitive to heat. If left in direct sunlight for long, it may fade. Celestite's sky blue colour is associated with the throat chakra and is an effective crystal to use at this energy center. Its icy blue frequency will serve to cool and tranquillize an overactive mind, calm fiery emotions, and relax tense muscles as it transmits the true meaning of passivity. It has a strong loving peaceful presence. It is a wonderful stone to use when consciously trying to ease tension in stressful circumstances. It can promote a pleasant disposition and can provide for fluency in communication. Celestite stimulates peaceful strength and mental clarity. It attunes us to heightened powers of rationality. It helps to recall and acknowledge our spirituality and Divine gifts. It assists us in maintaining a sense of personal security inviting the mind to enter into a state of unlimited openness and total awareness, uninfluenced by thoughts, fragments of ideas, or conceptual notions. Celestite is a stone for creativity. Celestite contains an innate wisdom that can be accessed to help us with the manifestation of that which will further our spiritual growth. It helps us to see the difference between worldly manifestation and a manifestation which will further our development. It is a stone for balance, stabilizing the yin-yang values within our energy fields. Celestite has stories to tell. It has the potential to help us to connect and communicate with the angelic realms. It can help to translate the peaceful impressions into exact words that will further ground the reality of calm tranquility through the medium of verbal sound. It helps to remember our dreams and is a good stone for astral travel, helping us to surrender to the inner peace required. It is a "bright hope" in days of despair, bringing calmness and harmony to our life. It sometimes appears that the stone is inhabited by the fairy of good fortune (helps us to be open to possibility with a free and clear mind). It is an exquisite stone to give in the spirit of love and with the blessing of respect.

PLEASE NOTE: Celestite chips easily and some of the stones my have small chips. It's just the nature of the stone. They tend to chip along their natural grain - like Fluorite - so the chips are smooth and appear polished.

These Celestite crystals range in size from approx. 1/4" to 1/2".  I will listen for the Celestite Crystal who is singing for you.