These beautiful Kullu Ice Crystals are also known as Nirvana Quartz and Kullu Rosies. They were found at extremely high altitudes when the glaciers there began to recede around the Kullu Pass in Northern India, Gateway to the Himalayans and home to many temples. Some are a rose color which comes from hematite and some are clear. Each though have fascinating formations like canals, trigonics, caverns, cuts, inner passageways and what look like partial separations (or perhaps 2 which become fused as one). These formations are sometimes called “convoluted” or “growth interference”.
What I have personally experienced with them is a vibration of ONENESS. They are all interconnected - meaning holding one is like holding each and every Kullu crystal in existence. They have an obvious water connection being discovered beneath ice, and perhaps that's why they share that quality. I've recently discovered within WATER itself - that same interconnectedness the Kullies exude. They are able to hold presence in multiple dimensions at once and show us that we can do this as well. You might have a difference experience with them. They have much to share and they share it with pure openness.
This is Avior. She has a harmonious blend of the famous Kullu formations AND typical crystal sides/faces - YIN/YANG. She is approx. 3-1/4" x 1-1/4"
One of these crystals shared an energetic gift through a crystal blessing which you can receive by clicking on the play button below: