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Super Seven aka Sacred Seven

Super Seven vibrates to the numbers 5 & 9
Sacred Seven vibrates to the number 7
Melody Stone vibrates to the number 3

Super Seven or Sacred Seven originally comes from Espirito do Santo, Brazil

When I received my first Sacred Seven crystal, I carried it with me everywhere. I found that I had never felt more balanced. Perhaps the combination of all the minerals helps us to learn about the beauty of balance and how the different energies around us, enhance our own beauty. I knew that I had to get more of these to share with you!

Super Seven is also known as the Sacred Seven and Melody's stone. It is a combination of seven minerals - Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Clear Quartz, Rutile and Smoky Quartz. It shares all the properties of each of these minerals. The crystals carry the energies of all the minerals combined, even if only part of the minerals are present. It is one of the few minerals which never needs cleansing or energizing.

The Super Seven is a "flambeau" mineral which is know to exhibit the phenomenon of St. Elmo's Fire, an ethereal auric light which has been seen due to atmospheric electricity.  It produces electromagnetic waves providing the self-luminous quality and assists one in seeing auras and in maintaining the connection between the physical and ethereal planes.

It is compared to Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens and can assist us in all endeavours, promoting conscious awareness of that which has remained hidden for aeons. It can help us to see the truth and assists us progress in our place in the Cosmic Plane. The Super Seven presents information to both the individual and the collective, helping us to set into motion that which will allow peace, harmony and love to be our guide. It has also been used to boost telekinesis, telepathy, clair audience, clairvoyance, awareness-channelling, universal creativity, and to further healing and well-ness on all levels, and for Earth healing.