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Consciously co-created high vibrational Essential Oils

Connect  to the earth in sacred ceremony with the living energies of pure co-created essential oils.

The oils that we offer are of the highest quality.  They are consciously grown in small batches by artisan distillers and herbalists working in co-creation.  These oils are nourishing to both body and soul.  They go far beyond the sensors of scent and far deeper than the surface of the skin, inward to the center of our being.  They nourish us at so many levels.  They are truly the food of the Soul.  These oils are for those who are seeking a deep connection and profound experience with the life essences of the plant children of Mother Earth.  These living energies have a very high and pure vibration.  If you are drawn to these oils it will be to continue the co-creative process that brought them into being ... to have a truly wholistic experience.

A small selection of pure high vibrational oils from trusted sources around the world are offered 6 times a year.
We are a small co-op of like minded people who have a deep respect for the earth and her gifts.  We come together as a group to purchase oils directly from trusted distillers.  They are artisans and herbalists who produce the essential oils in conscious co-creation and often in sacred ceremony.  Co-creating with the plant spirits with honour and reverence for the harmony and balance of our earth gives rise to essential oils of the purest form and highest vibrations.  This co-operation makes it possible for us to offer you these precious treasures that otherwise would not be available.   We rotate between artisan distillers, to offer a different choice of oils each season.  The oils are are specially ordered just for you directly from the distillers, so payment is due with your order and we do not accept returns on the oils.  It will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks for your oils to be delivered to you.  These very special living essences are worth the wait.

Your oils are hand poured with loving intention and conscious co-creation within a harmonious crystalline mandala on a wild land off the grid.   Our supplier's beautiful property is located in an isolated wilderness  near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in the heart of Arizona's Anasazi country.  Thousands of crystals have been placed there in co-creation with the spirits of the land with intentions for healing, regeneration, and ascension for all beings and Mother Earth. Within this harmonious crystalline grid, your oils are hand poured with loving intention and sacred ceremony into Miron Glass bottles (when available).  You will feel the difference in the energy of these living plant essences.

The founders of our Co-op explain this concept beautifully:  "Co-creation begins with the awareness of the spirit in all things, from plants, stones, clouds, water, and all life forms.  Every plant, animal, and element is an intelligent being, each with its own unique qualities and purpose.  By connecting with the nature spirits, establishing permission, and trusting their process, the unique healing qualities are brought forth in the oils, essences and remedies produced.  The difference between oils and remedies created solely by human intention, and those made in co-creation with the nature spirits is profound."

Pure oils of this quality are nourishing to both body and soul.  They go far beyond the sensors of scent and far deeper than the surface of the skin, inward to the center of our being.  They nourish us at so many levels.  They are truly the nectar of the Soul.  These oils are for those who are seeking a deep connection and profound experience with the life essences of the plant children of Mother Earth.  These living energies have a very high and pure vibration.  If you are drawn to these oils it will be to continue the co-creative process that brought them into being ... to have a truly holistic experience.

I can't convey in words alone how beautiful these oils are.  They have a gentleness and a smoothness that you have to experience to really understand.  I know from experience with the stones and other vibrational energies that when they come from a space of honour and respect that shows in their energy and their effects.  You know the truth of that from your own experience in this life ... when you are in a loving and beautiful environment, you vibrate that beautiful loving energy back out into the world.  These oils are in a harmonious environment from seed right up to being lovingly hand poured into bottles for us.  You can feel that in their presence.  These oils come into being in a truly beautiful, co-creative way.  They are living energies.  As I play and grow with these oils, I begin to see something new.  Something I never noticed before.  Something I never really imagined before.  That is, in connecting with the oils, an opening is created.  This opening offers entrance into the hidden realms of the ethereal worlds.  I have only just begun to understand it.  Working with the oils is an evolving relationship.  I've been learning so much about them and I'm happy to share with you what I learn.  I will write more about it as I learn. What I have already seen quite clearly is that through these heavenly scents, I am experiencing a deeper connection with the Angelic Realm.

Please feel free to share your stories and experiences with the essential oils.