This special Smoky Quartz Crystal has a feminine form. She is a lightbrary twin.
She is Medicine Woman. She is here to be guide and companion for Medicine Woman. She is here to help heal and transform. She has wisdom and ancient healing techniques that she is here to pass on.
The Magic of Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz vibrates to the numbers 2 and 8 and is the astrological signs of Capricorn, Sagittarius. Smoky Quartz is an excellent crystal for grounding and protection. It tends to dissolve negative energies as it encounters them. It has a high frequency light vibration that will dissipate and purify negative patterns generated from negative thought forms, anger and resentment. It can be used to initiate a powerful force field which will absorb many forms of negativity, both from within oneself and from outer sources. Smoky Quartz can help clear the mind when one has worries. It provides for balancing of the yin-yang energy, and the energies required for spiritual development. It also promotes personal pride and joy in living, helping one to come to terms with their body, their heart, their life and their world. This acceptance will allow one to feel more love for themselves and for others. Smoky Quartz gives one the power to manifest their dreams and visions of earth. It teaches one how to let go of what is no longer needed for growth. This freedom of non-attachment allows one to stay attuned to the light, instead of being consumed by life. The dark colour in Smoky Quartz is caused by natural radiation. Naturally radiated crystals have been exposed to electromagnetic radiation in their natural growth process and have not only survived, but have become more valuable because of it. These crystal will strengthen the auric field and stabilize the physical system in order to provide protection against the present damaging effects of nuclear radiation.
Medicine Woman is approx. 2” x 3/4"