This very magical crystal takes the form of a tower. A symbol of magic, of royalty, of protection, of power, of fairy tales, of grandeur, of sovereignty, of great heights. If you look to tarot, it is a symbol of grand transformation.
This crystal is a cluster. A family of crystals One side coated in red, 5he other sparkles of silver.
The Magic of Witches Fingers
These Witches Fingers or Witch's Finger Quartz Crystals come from Zambia. They are a rare combination of Smoky Quartz with Rutile and sprinkled with Micas, Muscovite/Zinnwaldite, Magnetite, Sphalerite, Hematite and/or Actinolite. Each Witch's Finger Quartz Crystal is different, so any combination of the included minerals may be present. But the energy of all are always energetically embedded within each crystal regardless of what minerals are physically seen.
With all these different energies that they hold within their bodies, they are an ideal companion for working with group energies and doing community work or healing family scars. This is one I would take to a family reunion or holiday gathering. They have a very wise energy... that of grandmother or community elder. These crystals are filled with threads of Rutile weaving an inner world of intricate patterns. They may offer their support in any work around patterns, be it creating new ones or releasing past ones.
When I first found out why these crystals were called Witches Fingers, I got angry and I ranted about it in a blog post. Once you know the reason for this, you might feel some anger too.