This crystal was singing so sweetly. I was struck by it's shape. At first it reminded me of a mushroom cap. As I sat with this crystal a question came into my heart...
Do magical beings, like faeries, dragons, angels and other mystical or mythical creatures live in crystals? What are you seeing when you look into a crystal and find a faerie or angel or dragon or mermaid or unicorn —or lion or bunny or bunny or whale or penguin for that matter?
Click on the play button below for more about this...
Then when I visited this crystal again I connected with the the crystal ear I saw in the photos I took. Then I realized the whole crystal itself looked like an ear. The message I received next made so much sense. This crystal will show us how to hear the faeries. Not only that, but it will show us how to hear the way the faeries do.
The Magic of Fairy Quartz
These sparkling Fairy Quartz Crystals - also known as Spirit Quartz - are a natural Quartz from Brazil with a mix of amethyst and citrine drusy. They carry the energy of the fae folk. You'll feel that immediately when you hold them. They have a message for us and that message is to HAVE FUN. They show us how a little bit of sparkle can infuse our day with an added dimension that gives us a richer experience. They all sparkle and some of them are singers.
These sparkly crystals range in size from approx. 1-3/4" to 3-1/2". I will listen for the one who is singing for you.