Collection: Crystals by Kingdom
Which Crystal Kingdom do you resonate with?
The Malakai
the story tellers
These are the beings that have a story to tell and a message to share. They are the Story Tellers. The Messengers. The Sacred Scribes. They are the royals - leaders and visionaries.
The Alchemysts
the magicians
Alchemy - true alchemy - is not what it is believed to be by most who study it hoping to coax out its secrets. The Alchemysts are the crystalline beings who come forward to offer their guidance and wisdom with your exploration into the truth of this magical art. These crystals offer us a new understanding of what Alchemy truly is.
The Dragon Guard
beings of fire
Here you will find the stone beings who have revealed themselves to be the Dragon Guard. They come to show you how to bring forth the strength that comes from your ancient magical ties to the flying fire creatures of the hidden realms.
The Wilderenes
they wild ones
These are the beings that carry the energy of the wild and magical creatures of our world.
The Elysians
winged beings of the light realms
There are magical beings that visit our earthly realm such as fairies, angels and other divine and fantastical creatures. Sometimes we can seem them living with the Crystalline ones ... they are the Elysians.
The Metamorphs
they hold the secrets to transformation
These beings are form Shifters adept in the art of magical metamorphosis. They are the ones who have or will change form, colour or shape. They are the Star Child Crystals (self-healed). You will be drawn to this clan if you are destined to go through great transformation in this lifetime. They can teach you how to move through the turbulence of grand shifts with greater ease and less fear.
The Zha'anari
the medicine clan
These beings masters of the art of wellness through all the bodies. They come to guide their human counterparts in this sacred art and epic purpose. They are the light guides for the light guides.
The Kalons
unbeknownst beauty
These crystal beings sing a song of beauty. The type of beauty that is rarely experienced. A beauty that emerges when one soul sees another soul. These crystals come forward to remind us how to see the hidden inner beauty of our world - beauty that often goes unseen ... UNBEKNOWNST BEAUTY.
The Moon Riders
they come from beyond the earth
The Moon Riders offer us a bridge to other worlds and realms. They offer us an opening to connect with those far away beings and show us that we are capable of creating our own connections through time and space.
The Auralurians
the light catchers
They play with light and colour and reveal ancient secrets. These crystals hold rainbow both visible and unseen. They are the ethereal opalescent stones who come to show you how to see the shapes in the mist.
The Rain Dancers
they play with ancient waters
Water is one of this earth's most magical substances. Without it there would be no "true" alchemy. The Rain Dancers carry the energy of this magical substance and come forward to those who are working with the water energy.
The Eikonians
the reflectors
Twins and reflectors, these beings come into your life when you are exploring relationships whether it's family relationships, love, kinship, friendship, group work, etc. These beings are clear reflectors of your true spirit and higher self.
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