Heartlight Star Song
THE HEARTLIGHT STAR SONG comes forth to offer support in dealing with heartbreak. I’m hear(t)ing that the heartbreak may be very old – eons even perhaps. This energy of this ethereal essence is that of rematrixing the light body to a vibration of pure love. Anything other than pure love will not hold in this new energy pattern.
The Stones that volunteered for this Star Song take the shape of a heart:
Heartlight comes with a message:
When the sadness comes and it’s so deep that it’s almost unbearable and you want to run as far away from it as possible, go deeper.
GO DEEPER into your sadness.
Go further into your pain.
Stay in the sorrow.
Stay until you break and then step upon the shattered pieces to release the light that is embedded within them.
This is probably the last thing you will want to do when you’re feeling heartbroken. But it is the only thing that will truly release your sadness. You can certainly escape the trauma temporarily and it will feel better – temporarily. But it will come back and each time it will be more agonizing.
But if you can do what your pain is calling on you to do – if you can reach into your strength and find the courage to step into the pain, you will find a great gift awaiting you. The only way to this gift though is through the darkness. That’s where you’ll find the light.
Heartlight Star Song offers you its heartlight as a beacon to find your heartlight.
You don’t have to do it alone. The Stone Beings are gentle loving companions as you enter the heaviness of your heart.
They have a natural ability to calm you even at your most anxious, simply by holding them.
They can help you to open your heart so you can move into the space where you are broken.
They can help you to stay sane as you explore the madness beneath the painful feelings.
You can grid them in a circle around you, creating a loving cocoon within which to take your journey inwards.
Most of all they will hold you in an energy of pure love. Those loving vibrations will be a warm blanket upon you as you go deep into your sadness.
This journey into releasing your sadness doesn’t have to be a solitary one. No other person can accompany you, but the crystals can be loving companions to you on this and any other inner spiritual journey. They certainly will lend their physical presence, but they offer much more. They are there with you in spirit. They are with you in the deepest, most intimate way possible. That is what these loving crystal companions offer. It is a great gift.