Heart Circle
A beautiful group of heart shaped stones have come forward and gathered together to create a circle of support of the universal shift into the heart space. Through an Angelic encounter and a powerful deja vu experience (which you can read about in the Sweeping away the Sadness blog), this Star Song came into creation. It was a beautiful experience shared by some very special souls who were guided to join the circle. Exactly 7 days after the co-creation of this Star Song, a message came through that helped me to understand why I was feeling the way I have since the co-creation of this special alchemical elixir. So much has risen up from deep within my heart – and I understand why I heard the words “sweeping away the sadness”. Though that term is greatly understated. It was more like Mr. Clean’s tornado effect in purging anything that lay buried in the deepest crevices of the heart space. I’m still holding a lump in my throat from the sadness and pain that has been swept away by the powerful energy of this heart’s Star Song. There were some casualties in the wake of this whirlwind – you can ask any member of my immediate family : ) So far this has been the least subtle of the star songs in the effect that it creates. So if you choose to accept this Star Song, I ask you to please be aware of what’s to come and be gentle with yourself in the 7 days that follow the co-creation of this loving essence.
I give you my heart,
even though I fear you will not accept it.From this day forward,
I promise to show you my heart.
I promise to share what is in my heart.
I promise to sing the song of my heart.I do so openly and without (or despite) the fear that I will not be accepted.
© Song of Stones
(the hardness in my throat melts as I say those words)