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Fragile Strength Star Song

A magical being was calling to me when I was visiting my supplier. It was the one and only if it’s kind. I tend to find these orphans. She is a talc stone from Ontario – my home province. I was preparing to take a picture of her to show you and I was sent down to my crystal cave to look for something. While I was searching, a wee almost invisible crystal ended up right under my foot … literally. The universe tends to place things right in my path, sometimes right underfoot, when it wants me to see something.

Amazing that I saw it. But even more amazing that I didn’t crush it. This wee one is as thin as a pAper and if you were to hold it too tightly it would fracture. It is a flake from a lepidolite book. These books are stacks of these thin layers that the earth bonds together. When they are together they are strong but the single flakes on their own are fragile. Once I had this crystal sliver in my hand I realized this is why I was called down here. It suddenly no longer felt important to find the thing I thought I had come downstairs for. I would then see that this crystal had a connection to the talc stone and that they had something magical to co-create together … beginning with our Crystal Moon Message for this December New Moon and now it is to co-create the final Star Song for the 2018 year.

A building of energy …

So here’s the thing … this has been a very powerful year – especially for the most sensitive of us. We are moving through a time of universal expansion and each year seems to be getting more and more powerful. I have noticed that the energy of this year seems to be moving us through a deep cleansing of very old patterns. These may be patterns that we’ve been holding for many lifetimes. This clearing has been building throughout the year (maybe even through the last few years) and moving out of our bodies in quite a powerful release. I’ve heard many light guides speak of the deep emotions they have been feeling in recent months. I believe that’s what it has been about.

Letting go of old patterns is very much like letting go of a part of yourself. There was purpose to that part of you and there is a process to releasing it. Even though it no longer serves you and may even be inhibiting your natural growth and evolution into the truest version of yourself, it can be quite painful to let go of. You will likely find yourself resisting the transformation, because even with the promise of what’s to come, you must still endure the loss of what was.

A Star Song to ease the transition.

The “Fragile Strength” Star Song comes into presence on the last day of this year as a gentle assist during the transition … almost like a midwife is there to ease the pain as a woman brings her child out of her body and into the world. The doula is fully present with you. She encourages and inspires you to do what you must in order to let go of the child inside you. She understands the pain that it takes to release that which you have been carrying for so long. Perhaps most importantly, she is there to celebrate with you when you have birthed your child.

This Star Song comes through to help you to ease your transition into a new year and a new you. It will help make it a little easier to let go and prepare to move into the next phase of your life … a little closer to the truth of you. Shedding your old parts, lightens you body, mind and spirit and the sooner you are able to release the old, the sooner you can begin to celebrate the new.

Click to join our Fragile Strength Star Song Circle on the 31st of December, continuing into the new year.

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This Star Song has shared a message for the Solstice and final full moon of the year.

Blessings for a gentle and joyful transition into the new year.