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Song of Turquoise Phantom Crystal

I was feeling unsettled and unfocussed.  I was in a very dark place.  I was filled with unexpressed tears. These special crystals led me right to them.  Listening to the crystals’ song was not what I wanted to do just then.  I was not in the mood.  I was too focussed on myself at the moment.  I just realized something … I didn’t want to be pulled out of the darkness. Hmph.  That was a surprise.

But that’s exactly what they did.  They pulled me out of my despair – out of myself.  The self that thinks it is the I.  The self that wants to stay mired in the bog of despair because in that place it is the centre.  In that self absorbed mood, the true I is not recognized.

It didn’t matter what the false I wanted.  It was too late.  The true “I” was seen.  The despair immediately dissolved.

Wow.  You are powerful little beings aren’t you!  Subtle.  Brilliant.

Thank you : )

I’m ready to listen to your song.

[This is my experience.  I don’t expect you to have the same experience, just sharing what I experienced.]


There are not many of us, because many are not needed.  We are small in size as well as number for the same reason.  We are as large as we need to be.

You have just seen how powerful a soft whisper can be in reaching one who is in a deep, dark, distant space.  A strong tone would not have been heard.  The shout would be ignored.

Those who need to hear our song will hear it as clear as [if] we were their own voice.

Despite our small size, we are weighing heavily in your hand.  Our tone is strong and powerful.  It has nothing to do with size.  The strength of our expression is your support in your expression.  You have the same strength.  You needn’t expend so much energy trying to be heard.  The shouts will be ignored.

You are heard and you are seen.  Look to us.  See how strong our presence is.  It can not be ignored.  We are just a mirror of your own fulfilled expression.

You are here
You are heard
You are seen
You are expressed
You are loved


© Song of Stones 2008