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Witches Finger Crystal Twin - Song of Stones
Witches Finger Crystal Twin - Song of Stones
Witches Finger Crystal Twin - Song of Stones
Witches Finger Crystal Twin - Song of Stones
Witches Finger Crystal Twin - Song of Stones
Witches Finger Crystal Twin - Song of Stones
Witches Finger Crystal Twin - Song of Stones

Witches Finger Crystal Twin

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$77.00 USD
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This very magical crystal went through an earth shift and shifted it's growth and became a twin. This crystal began singing one morning offering its energetic gift as a Crystal Blessing. If you missed it on facebook or IGTV, you can receive through the video below. 

When I made the promise to create these crystal blessing videos unscripted and unedited, I knew there were going to be days where things would not go perfectly and I would want to push pause and start over. Today was one of those days. Words were not flowing out so easily this morning. Then in the middle of the recording the mailman came to deliver a package and I was blocking the mailbox. He eventually got tired of waiting for me to stop what I was doing and left the mail on the steps. Then I must have run out of space on my device because the video ended abruptly. Distractions or not, I kept to my promise. I hope that you still got something out of it ... this crystal had a beautiful message to share and I hope that you were able to receive that.

As I was uploading the video to the internet, I realized that this crystal's message was about finding beauty in that which is judged as NOT beautiful. I feel as if I'm being asked now to see the beauty in this video - "warts and all".


These Witches Fingers or Witch's Finger Quartz Crystals come from Zambia. They are a rare combination of Smoky Quartz with Rutile and sprinkled with Micas, Muscovite/Zinnwaldite, Magnetite, Sphalerite, Hematite and/or Actinolite. Each Witch's Finger Quartz Crystal is different, so any combination of the included minerals may be present. But the energy of all are always energetically embedded within each crystal regardless of what minerals are physically seen.

With all these different energies that they hold within their bodies, they are an ideal companion for working with group energies and doing community work or healing family scars. This is one I would take to a family reunion or holiday gathering. They have a very wise energy... that of grandmother or community elder. These crystals are filled with threads of Rutile weaving an inner world of intricate patterns. They may offer their support in any work around patterns, be it creating new ones or releasing past ones.

When I first found out why these crystals were called Witches Fingers, I got angry and I ranted about it in a blog post. Once you know the reason for this, you might feel some anger too.